Survey conducted: November 6th, 8th – 10th, 2014 320-626.


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Presentation transcript:

Survey conducted: November 6th, 8th – 10th,

1 The City Research Priorities 1)Measure and evaluate trends in the community’s perception of and satisfaction with City services 2)Identify community members’ priorities for government services 3)Gain an understanding of the level of citizen trust in City government

2 Methodology Survey conducted November 6th, 8th – 10th, 2014 Interviews conducted by telephone with a random sample of 400 City of Ventura registered voters Margin of error for the full sample is +/- 4.9% Margin of error for half the sample is +/- 6.9% Some percentages may not sum to 100% due to rounding


4 Almost three-quarters of residents perceive that the City of Ventura is headed in the right direction. 1. Would you say that things in the City of Ventura are generally headed in the right direction or do you feel that things are off on the wrong track?

5 Total Excellent/ Good 93% More than nine in ten residents have favorable views of Ventura as a place to live. 2. Generally speaking, how would you rate Ventura as a place to live: is it an excellent place to live, a good place, just fair, or a poor place to live? Total Just Fair/ Poor 7%


7 Homelessness, the economy, the drought and street maintenance lead the list of residents’ volunteered important issues. 5. What do you think is the most important issue facing residents of the City of Ventura that you would like to see City government do something about? (Open-ended; Ranked by Responses 2% or More) Too many homeless Business climate/creating more jobs/ improving the economy Drought/water supplies Not enough services for the homeless Street maintenance None/nothing Housing costs/affordable housing Crime Too much growth/development Government waste/inefficiency Education/public schools Public recreation/parks/open spaces Public transportation/buses/rail Taxes Traffic congestion Safety/public safety Additional police/fire services

8 Total Very/ Smwt. 92% 87% 75% 73% 64% 59% 48% Responding to a list provided to residents, the drought, the number of homeless, drugs and drug abuse and polluted stormwater affecting coastal waters and beaches lead the list of serious problems. 6. I’d like to read you a list of things that some people say may be problems facing the city of Ventura. Please tell me whether you think it is a very serious problem, somewhat serious, not too serious, or not at all a serious problem in Ventura today. Split Sample (Ranked by Very/Somewhat Serious) The drought The number of homeless Drugs and drug abuse Pollution that flows through storm drains and empties into local coastal waters and onto local beaches Gangs and juvenile violence The condition of potholes and local streets and roads The amount you pay in City taxes and fees Increased growth and development


10 Total Excellent/ Good 63% Almost two-thirds rate the job city government is doing in providing service to Ventura’s residents and businesses as excellent or good. 3. How would you rate the overall job being done by Ventura City government in providing services to Ventura’s residents and businesses? Would you say that the job the City government is doing is …?

11 Total Great/ Some Need 60% Six-in-ten residents (60%) perceive that there is a great or some need for additional funds to provide the level of city services that residents need and want; with two-in-ten (20%) saying a great need. 4. In your personal opinion, do you think there is a great need, some need, a little need, or no real need for additional funds to provide the level of city services that City of Ventura residents need and want? Total Little/ No Real Need 31%

12 Total Agree 67% Two thirds (67%) of residents trust the City to use their tax dollars wisely. 9c. I would like to read you some statements about Ventura related issues. For each one, I’d like you to tell me whether you agree or disagree with the statement. Total Disagree 31% I trust the City to use my tax dollars wisely.

13 Total Agree 66% Two-thirds (66%) perceive that state cutbacks have negatively affected city services and programs. 9b. I would like to read you some statements about Ventura related issues. For each one, I’d like you to tell me whether you agree or disagree with the statement. Total Disagree 22% State cutbacks have negatively affected city services and programs.

14 Total Agree 65% Roughly two-thirds (65%) agree that the City of Ventura provides better services than other nearby cities. 9d. I would like to read you some statements about Ventura related issues. For each one, I’d like you to tell me whether you agree or disagree with the statement. Total Disagree 23% Ventura provides better services than other nearby cities.

15 Total Agree 53% More than half of respondents agree that the City Government listens to its residents when making decisions. 9a. I would like to read you some statements about Ventura related issues. For each one, I’d like you to tell me whether you agree or disagree with the statement. Total Disagree 34% The City government listens to its residents when making important decisions.

16 Mean Score Fire and police protection, management of City government finances and water conservation programs are considered to be among the most important services/programs. 7. I would like to read you a list of specific services provided by Ventura’s City government to residents of the City. For each one that I mention, please tell me how important you think that service is. We will use a scale of one to seven, where one means NOT AT ALL IMPORTANT and seven means VERY IMPORTANT. You can choose any number from one to seven. (Ranked by Importance Rating Mean Score)

17 Continued 7. I would like to read you a list of specific services provided by Ventura’s City government to residents of the City. For each one that I mention, please tell me how important you think that service is. We will use a scale of one to seven, where one means NOT AT ALL IMPORTANT and seven means VERY IMPORTANT. You can choose any number from one to seven. Mean Score

18 Mean Score Among the services/programs with which residents are most satisfied include fire and police protection, maintenance of City parks and recreational facilities and senior services. 8. I am going to mention each service again. This time I would like you to tell me how satisfied you are personally with the job that Ventura’s City government is doing in providing that service for the City’s residents. Again, we will use a scale of one to seven, where one means NOT AT ALL SATISFIED with the service and seven means you are VERY SATISFIED with the service. You can choose any number from one to seven. (Ranked by Satisfaction Rating Mean Score)

19 Continued 8. I am going to mention each service again. This time I would like you to tell me how satisfied you are personally with the job that Ventura’s City government is doing in providing that service for the City’s residents. Again, we will use a scale of one to seven, where one means NOT AT ALL SATISFIED with the service and seven means you are VERY SATISFIED with the service. You can choose any number from one to seven. Mean Score


21 About half of all voters have had direct contact with Ventura government in the past two years. 10. Have you had any direct contact, either in person, by telephone, through or through the City’s website with Ventura City government in the past two years?

22 High percentages favorably rate City staff on their courtesy, knowledge and willingness to help. 11. Please tell me how you rate the following aspects of the service provided by the City employees you have dealt with. Would you rate their _______________ as excellent, good, fair, poor, or very poor? (Ranked by Excellent/Good) (52% of sample, n=208)


24 Freq./ Occas. 85% 65% 54% 47% 45% 37% 24% 18% 17% 15% Residents most frequently receive information about the City from word of mouth, local newspapers and the radio; however, almost half (47%) report reading My Ventura frequently or occasionally. 12. I would like to slightly change the topic and mention some information sources from which people learn about news and issues affecting the City of Ventura community. For each I mention, please tell me how often you use that particular information source. Is it frequently, just occasionally, very rarely, or never? ^Not part of Split Sample (Ranked by Frequently/Occasionally) Conversation with family, friends and neighbors ^ Print and/or online editions of local newspapers Radio My Ventura, which is a City-published recreation guide Social Media, such as Facebook, Nextdoor and Twitter ^ The City of Ventura official website Community access TV on cable, also known as CAPS Achieving Our Vision, which is the City’s monthly electronic newsletter City council meetings Community meetings