Credentials, Reporting and Billing Matthew J. Budoff, MD, FACC Associate Professor of Medicine Division of Cardiology Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, Torrance CA
BILLING/INSURANCE Codes: –71275 CT Angiography –78473 Wall Motion plus Ejection Fraction OR - –71270 Thoracic CT w/ and w/o contrast –3018 Contrast –76375 Additional Cuts, 3-D reconstruction
Current CPT Codes Used For Cardiac CTA in the US CTA Chest CT of thorax, w/o contrast CT of thorax w/ contrast CT thorax/ without contrast followed by with contrast RN monitoring and beta blocker administration Unlisted radiology codes for CT diagnosis and intervention RN monitoring and beta blocker administration J3490 Beta blockers A4646 Contrast Wall motion (78480) lead ECG D reconstruction Calcium scoring reprt
CTA Heart Codes 0146T CT angiography of coronary arteries (CCTA) (including native and anomalous coronary arteries, coronary bypass grafts), without quantitative evaluation of coronary calcium 0147T CCTA with quantitative evaluation of coronary calcium 0148T Cardiac structure and morphology and CCTA, without quantitative evaluation of coronary calcium 0149T Cardiac structure and morphology and CCTA, with quantitative evaluation of coronary calcium Coronaries alone Coronaries & calcium scoring Coronaries & cardiac morphology Coronaries, cardiac morphology & calcium scoring
CTA Heart Codes, con’t Calcium scoring only Cardiac morphology only Congenital studies, non- coronary RVEF/ LVEF and wall motion (add-on) 0144T CT, heart, without contrast material, including image postprocessing and quantitative evaluation of coronary calcium 0145T CT, heart, without contrast material followed by contrast material(s) and further sections, including cardiac gating and 3D image postprocessing; cardiac structure and morphology 0150T Cardiac structure and morphology in congenital heart disease 0151T CT, heart, without contrast material followed by contrast material(s) and further sections, including cardiac gating and 3D image postprocessing; function evaluation (left and right ventricular function, ejection fraction, and segmental wall motion)
1. The test is never covered for screening, i.e., in the absence of signs, symptoms or disease. 2. The selection of the test should be made within the context of other testing modalities so that the resulting information facilitates the management decision, not merely adds a new layer of testing. 3. The test may be denied, on post-pay review, as not medically necessary when used for cardiac evaluation of a patient with extensive disease where there is a pre-test knowledge of extensive calcification that would diminish the interpretive value. 4. Coverage of this modality for coronary artery assessment is limited to devices that process thin, high resolution slices. The multidetector scanner must have at least 16 slices per second capability. For non-cardiac assessment, the multidetector scan may capability of less than 16 slices per second. 5. The administration of beta blockers and the monitoring of the patient by a cardiologist during the MDCT are not separately payable services. 6. A physician or qualified non-physician provider must be present during testing.
Reimbursement National policies are not yet in place for T codes Local coverage decisions have been made favorably for all 50 states for medicare Many PPO’s are starting to pay, however coverage is regional at best right now Blue Cross/Blue Shield has the most restrictive national policy
Future Coverage Meetings with Blue Cross/Blue Shield nationally, along with other payors, are ongoing at the highest levels of ACC, ACR and SCCT Carotid, Renal and Peripheral CT Angiography is covered by every payor in every state
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