Valentine's Day K Vaughn Charles Lindbergh
Valentine's Day
Background Information Artist – Clifford Kennedy Berryman. He as an artist does a lot of political cartoons. Created and published in 1928, during the “Roaring Twenties”.
What do you the Focus, Background, and Foreground are?
Focus, Foreground, and Background I decided that the focus was on the man ( Charles lindbergh) and the Valentine that states “We love you, U.S.”. The foreground being the picnic table and house. The background being uncle Sam and the teddy bear.
Uncle Sam and his relation to everything America has to stand for is the appeal to ethos
Logically the first to cross the atlantic is a profound and respectable thing in that day in age, not so much now but if uncle sam deems this man lovable the american public will also
Love is how this artists appeals to pathos. Receiving a valentine is a big thing now and was then as well.
Works Cited Clifford Kennedy Berryman. Valentine's Day The Evening star (Washington, D.C.), United States. 14 february