CHEMISTRY 121 Spr 2015 Test #1 Chapters: 1, 2, 3 Calculations Density; Heat (calories) Physical/Chemical properties & changes Matter, diff. forms, phases Pure Subst: elements, cmpds Cmpds, elements, molecules Metal, nonmetal, metalloid Metric system: conversions, labels significant Figures; SI Untis; sci. notation Equation set-up Factor-label Energy: diff. forms; types 4 assumptions Atomic Theory ATOM & PARTS p +, n 0, e- Mass/atomic numbers “Z”/”A” Isotopes; full notation Neutral/charges e- notation: long & short E-level Diagram Valence electrons Ch. 3 IONIC Names – Formulas Ionic Bond Acid – Base Identify H + acids; OH - bases
TEST #2 Ch. 3 IONIC Names – Formulas Ionic Bond Acid – Base Identify Ch. 4 COVALENT Name – Formulas Models: dot, lewis, polar/non, shape Ch. 5&6 EQUATIONS Balance Rxn Types: C, D, SR, DR Redox: Red, Ox, & Agents Mass – Mass Conversions g to mols to particles Avogadro’s #: 6.02*10 23 multiple choice, calculations, identify, define, diagram H + acids; OH - bases Geometry: Linear: A 2, AB 180 o Bent:AB 2 +2 lp; o Planar Triang: AB 3 ; 120 o Tetrahedral: AB 4 ; o Pyramidal: AB 3 +1 lp; 107 o Bond TypesCovalent polar/nonpolar Electroneg: 2.0 ionic bet. polar
TEST #2 CH. 3 Ions, polyatomics, ionic bonds Ionization E, e - affinity Ionic names & formula H + acids; OH - bases CH. 4 Covalent names & formula CH. 5&6 TEST #2 CH. 3 Past Ions, polyatomics, ionic bonds Ionization E, e - affinity Ionic names & formula H + acids; OH - bases CH. 4 Covalent names & formula Lewis Structure Geomety Polar – Nonpolar Electronegativity Chemical Names & Formulas I.D. Rxn types; complete equations, and balance; Total & Net Ionic Reduction – Oxidation spectator, agent -atom, ion, ionic cmpd, molecule TERMS: electronegativity, e - affinity, ionization E Calculations: mole – mass – particles conversion factor: form. wt Avogadro’s # Formula/molecular wt.; molar mass Calculations: mole-mole & mass-mass Limiting Reagent
TEST #3 Past Concepts RXN: I.D.types; equations, balance Formula/molecular wt.; molar mass Ionic equations; reduced-oxidized Calculations: mole-mole & mass-mass CH. 7 Dissocation E-Enthalpy Endo/Exo Reactions +H / -H absorb/release meaning:spont / non -G / +G Reaction Diagrams - slow/fast LeChatelier’s [ ], temp, P, catalyst Meaning of K eq : K<<<1 ??? K>>>1 ??? ???
CH. 9 Solubility effects: temp, P Solvent, Solute Electrolytes Dilution: M 1 V 1 = M 2 V 2 Concentration Molarity: mols/ L [w/v]% [v/v]% mass % CH. 10 Definition: Acid, Base Conjugate Acid-Base Pairs Acid-Base ionization equaitons Strong Acid + Strong Base -----> ??? Strong Acid + Weak Base -----> ??? Weak Acid + Strong Base -----> ??? Weak Acid + Weak Base -----> ??? K w = [H + ][OH - ] K w = 1* pK w = pH + pOH pK w =14 pH = -Log[H + ] [H + ] = 1*10 -pH pOH = -Log[OH - ] [OH - ] = 1*10 -pOH Strength of Acids/ ”Bases” Relation between acid & conj. base base & conj. acid Test 3
STILL NEED TO KNOW Chemical Formula Ions: charges Ionic Eqn. total & net ionic reduction-oxidation Formula Weight Convert moles mass Intermolecular Forces Dipole; London; Hydrogen Bonding
Conversions metric mass moles parts of atom p +, n o, e - mass/atomic numbers Polarity Electronegativity Lewis Structure domain/geometry Metal – Non – metaloid Formula Wt – molar mass Elements charges FINAL 15 Names/Formula ionic – covalent Equations balance – total/net ionic reduction – oxidation