th session of JINR SC 1 JOINT INSTITUTE FOR NUCLEAR RESEARCH Recommendations of the JINR Directorate for the financing of projects and themes A. Sissakian 97th session of the JINR Scientific Council January 2005 JINR SCIENTIFIC COUNCIL
th session of JINR SC 2 CONTENTS On JINR’s Scientific Policy Review of the research programme: setting of priorities Conclusion JINR SCIENTIFIC COUNCIL
th session of JINR SC 3 JINR’s Scientific Policy The scientific policy of JINR will be realized in view of global scientific trends. In its activity, JINR will continue to keep to the concept of its development which was adopted at the 73rd session of the Scientific Council and approved by the Committee of Plenipotentiaries in –basic research in frontier particle, nuclear and condensed matter physics –development and application of high technologies –university education in the relevant fields of knowledge.
th session of JINR SC 4 FUNDAMENTAL SCIENCE The fundamental studies remain the primary direction of JINR’s development The research programme is aimed at addressing key issues of natural sciences, including ● verification of the Standard Model search for new physics phenomena synthesis of new elements and studies of nuclides close to nucleon stability investigations in the physics of surfaces studies of strongly correlated electron systems and of nanomaterials … These investigations will be combined with an effective theoretical and software support of experiments.
th session of JINR SC 5 JINR SCIENTIFIC COUNCIL JINR’s Scientific Policy The scientific policy of the JINR in the coming years will take into account the new realities and conditions of the present time. Based on the huge intellectual and industrial-technological potential of JINR, it is proposed to develop intensively the innovation belt around the Institute.
th session of JINR SC 6 New technological developments, R&D and construction of detectors and large facilities for scientific research and applied studies. Multichannel amplitude analyzers, fixed and portable spectrometers of nuclear radiation, portal monitors. Ecological monitoring using methods of nuclear physics analysis. New materials based on track membranes. Medical beams at the Phasotron, JINR’s Med-Nuclotron. Ultrapure radioisotopes for nuclear medicine and ecology. Detector “DVIN” for identification of explosives, fissile materials, and narcotic substances. …
th session of JINR SC 7 EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMME - PRIORITY TASK OF JINR LONG-TERM PROGRAMME “Dubna” International University The JINR University Centre offers graduate programmes in the fields of: Elementary Particle Physics Nuclear Physics Theoretical Physics Condensed Matter Physics Technical Physics Radiobiology DIAS - TH Dubna International Advanced School on Theoretical Physics JINR University Centre
th session of JINR SC 8 CONTENTS JINR’s Scientific Policy Review of the research programme: setting of priorities Conclusion JINR SCIENTIFIC COUNCIL
th session of JINR SC 9 JINR SCIENTIFIC COUNCIL Review of the research programme: setting of priorities JOINT INSTITUTE FOR NUCLEAR RESEARCH Dubna 2003 THE PROGRAMME OF THE SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE JOINT INSTITUTE FOR NUCLEAR RESEARCH FOR THE YEARS “The Scientific Council looks forward to regular presentations at future sessions of current scientific plans within the scope of the 7-year plan”. (from the resolution of the 94th session of SC)
th session of JINR SC 10 JINR SCIENTIFIC COUNCIL JOINT INSTITUTE FOR NUCLEAR RESEARCH TOPICAL PLAN FOR JINR RESEARCH AND INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION IN 2005 Dubna Scientific Programme 2005 Review of the research programme Total number of themes – 61 (includes 72 projects aimed at creating and developing facilities)
th session of JINR SC 11 Theoretical Physics6.505 Elementary Particle Physics Relativistic Nuclear Physics Heavy Ion Physics Low and Intermediate Energy Physics Nuclear Physics with Neutrons4.302 Condensed Matter Physics Radiation and Radiobiological Research1.402 Networking, Computing, Computational Physics Educational Programme1 Field of Activity Scale of the budget distribution, % Number of themes TOTAL
th session of JINR SC 12 JINR SCIENTIFIC COUNCIL Review of the research programme: ● limited resources ● large number of research themes
th session of JINR SC 13 Review of the research programme: setting of priorities Given the financial situation at JINR, the Directorate invites the PACs to review, once again, the JINR research programme with a view to reducing the number of insignificant, minor projects, including some first-priority themes. The preliminary work in this direction will be done by the JINR internal scientific bodies. This will allow: to concentrate the available financial resources for implementing really ambitious and highly important projects in the main scientific directions to produce major scientific and technological output
th session of JINR SC 14 Review of the research programme: setting of priorities JINR SCIENTIFIC COUNCIL November 2004 PAC for PPPAC for NPPAC for CMP The JINR Directorate suggested that the PACs consider a practice of approving new projects proposed by the authors for first priority only for a term of one year. The PACs concurs with the Institute Directorate that first-priority status should be set for research activities for one year only, pending a future review of the whole of the Institute activities.
th session of JINR SC 15 Review of the research programme: setting of priorities In the future, from the economic point of view, we should have separate approaches to the scientific, fundamental research projects and to the applied ones. It would be reasonable to support the applied projects only during the starting periods of their implementation.
th session of JINR SC 16 to live within available resources! to concentrate the available financial resources for implementing really ambitious and highly important projects in the main scientific directions to reduce the number of insignificant, minor projects, including some first-priority themes to increase the number of young scientists and specialists from all Member States to intensively develop JINR’s “innovation belt” as one of the strategic development directions CONCLUSION On 3 November 2004 the JINR Science and Technology Council approved the main approaches of the proposed scientific policy as presented by A. Sissakian