GEO Work Plan Symposium 2012 ID-03: Science and Technology in GEOSS ID-03-C1: Engaging the Science and Technology (S&T) Community in GEOSS Implementation
Scope of Task ID-03 Is defined by the Science and Technology Road Map, developed by the Science and Technology Committee (STC) and endorsed by the GEO Plenary ( ) Is derived from document “The Role of Science and Technology in GEOSS” developed by the STC ( ) Two main Activities: Activity 1: Actively engaging and incorporating science and technology participants in the development of GEOSS Activity 2: Creating incentives and promoting GEO in the S&T communities
GEO Label GEOSS Data Citation Standard More scientific Earth data sets discoverable Indicators for the relevance of observation infrastructure and scientific priorities GEOSS Science and Technology Portfolio Science and Technology Meeting Portal (incl. Documentation) GEOSS Science and Technology Stakeholder Network Scope of Task ID-03 Expected Achievements by 2015 Improved linkage between S&T Communities and GEOSS/GEO through:
Expected for 2012: Data citation testbed implementation GEO Label concept, proposal, and testbed implementation More Portfolio examples 2 nd GEOSS S&T Stakeholder Workshop in August 2012 Recent Progress and Key Outputs for 2012 Recent progress: GEOSS Science and Technology Portfolio 50% populated ( ) Data Citation Standard V1.0 completed ( see ) GEO Label: questionnaire of user and provider expectations (GeoViqua) Initial GEOSS S&T Meeting Portal ( )
Anticipated Workshop Outputs: : Document: - summarizing the research needs associated with the MDGs and grand challenges - strategy for a GEOSS to ensure availability of Earth observations required for addressing these research needs Road map to ensure the alignment of GEOSS with the needs arising from the current MDGs and post-2015 goals, as well as the Grand Challenges and Belmont Challenges addressed by the Future Earth - research for global sustainability Initiative. Goals: - Assessment of the alignment of current key GEOSS documents to the needs - Input for the post-2015 MDGs discussion and the post-2015 GEOSS discussion.
Suggestions for Assessing Progress against GEOSS Targets Number of awareness activities in S&T communities (increased awareness?) Number of citations/mentioning of GEO/GEOSS over time (web search) Increased documentation of how “GEOSS works for you” (portfolio) Success in Data Citation, GEO Label (measure to be defined) Number of new scientific Earth data sets Relationship to, or Support of, 2015 GEOSS Targets (which outputs/activities lead to which Targets?) 1.4 Science and Technology: All activities 1.2 Data Management: Data Citation, GEO Label 1.1 Architecture: GEO Label, Data Citation, Meeting Portal 1.5 User engagement: Engagement of S&T Users, GEOSS S&T Portfolio
Limited commitment of Task Team members to activities Issues (key impediments to progress) and Gaps Task team with considerable geographic bias
ID-03 Commitment Matrix:
Issues (key impediments to progress) and Gaps Task team with considerable geographic bias Limited commitment of Task Team members to activities Dedicated funding runs out August 2012 (EGIDA) Disconnected (competing?) related activities outside of GEO Sustainability of activities/outputs
Linkages with other Tasks; Opportunities for Collaboration; Past and Expected Benefits of Collaboration within and across Tasks Per Work Plan: All other Work Plan Tasks ID-01: Support data sharing through incentives (GEOSS data citation standard, GEO Label) ID-04: Outreach to users, particularly S&T IN-02: Scientific Earth data sets IN-03: GCI: Data Citation Standard, GEO Label (URR) IN-05: Support for interoperability through GEO Label SB-xx: Examples for the Portfolio (visibility for task activities)
More resources: (1) Professional fund raisers (2) High-level contact to Belmont Forum (3) Increase commitment to Task Teams Recommendations / Ideas for Accelerating Work Plan Implementation User needs/requirements review Gap analysis (to focus activities) Involvement of Stakeholders Engagement of Communities of Practices in Task activities
More, as appropriate
Options for Better Connecting Existing Systems (observing, modeling, information) and/or the Outputs of those Systems (data, products, information) Involvement of end users in Task actions End-to-end pilots (also for the GEOSS S&T Portfolio) EuroGEOSS, GEOWOW, GeoViqua are examples that should be built on
Contributions to the GEOSS DataCORE Identification of scientific data sets Engage S&T communities in contributing data to the GEOSS DataCore Labeling of the GEOSS DataCORE as the first test case
Potential Benefits from a Systematic User Requirements Review Motivate users to consider what EOs and GEOSS can do for them, and engage them in this way; Integrate the currently fracmented requirement analyses (e.g., several EC-funded Projects, US-09-01a;...); Engage users in publishing their needs in the URR; Enable users to guide the development of GEOSS; Collect a database for the determination of the relevance of observational requirements and datasets across the SBAs; Create the basis for a gap analysis through comparison of what is available to what is needed (as requested in the 10YIP); Help built GEOSS as a user-driven system.
Current Role of Communities of Practice and Options for Strengthening this Role Engagement of a broad GEOSS S&T Stakeholder Network Involvement of CoPs in End-to-End pilots Capacity building based on CoP contributions to global cyber infrastructure implementing Best Practices for global use (e.g., a Global Geohazards Information System for Disaster Risk Reduction; a Coastal Zone Information System)
Ways of Extending Task Participation to Wider (representative) Communities Active outreach of Task Component leads to relevant CoPs Active involvement of CoPs in Task activities, e.g. in End-to-end pilots Identification of gaps in terms of CoPs (on Task component basis); Outreach to relevant user groups not represented through CoPs; Involvement of users in reviews of user needs on Task or Task component basis; Demonstration of GEOSS capabilities to relevant groups; Where appropriate, development of community-based scalable cyber infrastructure.