Budget & Current Issues Advisory Committee for the Biological Sciences Meeting Dr. Mary E. Clutter November 18, 2004
NSF FY 2005 Budget Appropriations House and Senate Marks (Dollars in Millions) Totals may not add due to rounding
NSF FY 2005 House and Senate Marks: Research and Related Activities (Dollars in Millions) Totals may not add due to rounding
FY 2005 NSF House Mark-up Highlights MRE & FC Total $208 M $50 M Atacama Large mm Array(ALMA) telescope $47 M EarthScope $51 M IceCube Neutrino Detection Project New projects $30M Scientific Ocean Drilling Vessel (SODV) $30M Rare Symmetry Violating Processes (RSVP)
FY 2005 NSF Senate Mark-up Highlights MRE & FC Total $130 M $50 M Atacama Large mm Array(ALMA) telescope $47 M EarthScope $33 M IceCube Neutrino Observatory New projects No new starts
FY 2005 NSF House Mark-up Highlights EHR Total $843 M (+ $72 M above request) $94 M EPSCoR (+ $10 M) $83 M Math Science Partnerships (+ $83 M) Elementary, Secondary and Informal Education $62 M Informal Science Education (ISE) (+ $12 M) Undergraduate Education $25 M STEM Talent (+ $10 M) $45 M Advanced Technology Education (+ $7 M) $8 M Noyce (+ $4 M) $156 M Graduate Education (- $18 M) Human Resources Development $34 M Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (+ $0 M) $24 M HBCU Undergraduate Program (+ $4 M) $15 M AGEP (+ $0 M) $15 M THRUST (The HBCU-Research University S&T initiative) & CREST (Centers of Research Excellence in Science & Technology (+ 4 M) $3 M Minority Institutions of Excellence (+ $0 M)
FY 2005 NSF Senate Mark-up Highlights EHR Total $929 M (+ $158 M above request) $95 M EPSCoR (+ $11 M) $110 M Math Science Partnerships (+ $110 M) Elementary, Secondary and Informal Education $65 M Informal Science Education (ISE) (+ $15 M) Undergraduate Education $26 M STEM Talent (+ $11 M) $46 M Advanced Technology Education (+ $8 M) Graduate Education Additional 500 fellowships at $30K/yr Human Resources Development $36 M Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (+ $2 M) $27 M HBCU Undergraduate Program (+ $7 M) $20 M THRUST (The HBCU-Research University S&T initiative) & CREST (Centers of Research Excellence in Science & Technology (+ $9 M) $10 M Tribal Colleges (+ $0 M)
25 Years of NSF Budget History
Appropriations for the National Science Foundation FY FY’98 FY’99 FY’00 FY’01 FY’02 FY’03 FY’04 FY’05 FY’06 FY’07 (Request) [ --- Authorized ---] In millions of dollars Total Growth FY 98 – FY 04: $2.2 billion (65%)
Award Size and Duration Research Grants FY 2004 Award Size (average annual) NSF overall: $139,510 Average Award Duration NSF overall: 2.96 years BIO: $171,016 BIO: 3.27 years
BIO Success Rate Research Grants FY
Percentage Composition of Federal Government Outlays (FY 2004 = $2.32 T) National Defense Payments to Individuals Discretionary Net Interest Source: Outlays by Superfunction and Function, Office of Management and Budget
FY 2003 R&D Statistics Ratio of R&D to GDP = 2.61% Total R&D = $283,789 B Federal R&D = $85,280 B [Non-Defense related = $47,488 B] Total Federal Basic Research R&D = $32,712 B Total Federal R&D – University & Colleges = $18,071 B Ratio of Fed. R&D U&C to GDP = 0.17% NSF SRS Report: US R&D Projected to Have Grown Marginally in 2003
NSF FY 2003 – FY 2008 Strategic Goals Broadening participation in the science and engineering workforce Strengthening core disciplinary research and increasing the funding rate for research grants Providing broadly accessible cyberinfrastructure and world-class facilities to enhance research performance Sustaining organizational excellence in NSF management practices