1.Personal Information 2. Literacy 3.Mathematics 4.Social Science 5.Physical Education 6.Arts 7.Technology 8.ICT 9.Enviro Education 10.Term Reflections
Personal Information Name: Edwina Ngatae D.O.B: 5 th July 1996 Room 17, 2009 Accelerate Class Acrostic Poem Term One Goals
Literacy My Term Reflections in Literacy: I have completed eight reading tasks in nine weeks followed by doing nine news reviews in nine weeks. I have completed my ICT Literacy tasks assigned on the computer. My Literacy goals for Term Two are: To read more books and complete all twenty tasks by the end of term two. To focus on completing my tasks in less than one week. To have a deeper surface in my news reviews and reading tasks.
Literacy Asttle Reading Test Results Here are some other Literacy tasks that I have done: Written Language: My Essay Handwriting Assessment
Mathematics My Term Reflections in Maths are: Getting high marks in Mental Speed Test. Getting high marks in Asttle Maths Test. Learning new things in areas like e.g decimals. My Goals in Maths for Term Two are: Staying focus when it comes to maths and don’t let my pairs distract me. Show more leadership when it comes to class discussions. Asttle Maths Test ResultsAsttle Maths Test Results
My Term Reflection for Social Science is that our class has never really had class discussions about Social Science only through ICT. My Goal for Term Two is to manage my impulsivity and not only focus on one area of social science.
Physical Education During PE this term, we have been learning about small ball skills. Some of the sports we have played that need use small balls are: Hockey, Cricket, Softball and so forth. My goal in PE for term two is to be more active when it comes to class PE and syndicate sport.
Arts Visual Arts For tech in art, we have been making mural paintings to put up around our school. We have also been looking at different tapa designs from different countries/island. Performing Arts This term the whole school was involved in a activity called “Futures”. This term I was in the Cook Island Group. It was a great experience for me to perform in front of many crowds.
Technology This term in tech class group B have been in Hard Materials with Mr. Somerville. This year I made a clock face shelf where you can store things like jewelry or other things. It was an original piece of work and it took me approximately eight weeks to complete it.
ICT During ICT this term we have been doing a lot of activities on LearNZ, wikispaces, chatze, blogger and many more websites. My reflection for this term is getting to work in the new computer suite and working on new websites. My goal for next term is to try and upload new things on my web pages.
Environmental Education During the end of term one our class started to plant some newly born trees in the school nursery. During the ICT blocks our class has been on environmental education field trips on the learNZ website. We have did been on field trips that talk about wind power, marine reserves and other places and this has been my reflection for term one. My goals in Enviro Education is to pay more attention to the learNZ field trips and complete the tasks that are given in good time.
Term Reflections One of my big term reflections is the Cultural Night and Cultural Festival down at the Otahuhu Recreation Centre. I had a lot of fun performing in front of thousands of people and enjoy myself and getting to know new people from around the school.
Science In Science this term we studied about Electricity and Magnetism. For my Science Fair Project I had to demonstrate how electromagnetism can be used to make electric motor. In the end it worked out. My goal for term three is to produce more work in Science.
Technology This term group B has been working in the Food Tech Room. During our food tech classes we have been learning about Bio Technology. We learnt how yeast is alive and how it grows.
Exciting Things That Happened Year 8 Camp Waikato Camp was such a fun experience, doing lots of different things like orienteering, rock climbing, walking to the waterfall and many more... Girls and Boys Hockey Tournament. This day was such a fun day with the boys finishing at second place and the girls ending it at third place.
Term Two Reflections Term Two went very fast and really well. The Science Fair Project was really fun working on and learning new things. The Hockey Tournament was exciting and challenging but was still fun. One of he big reflections was going to Camp Waikato. That would have to have been one of the best activities we have done this year.