NuPECC Guenther RosnerIUPAP WG.9 Symposium, Vancouver 2/7/101
What is Nuclear Physics European Collaboration Committee – founded 1988 by subscribing national research councils, who nominate nuclear scientists as their representatives to be appointed by the European Science Foundation, ESF, for 3-6 years Objective of NuPECC: – “To strengthen European collaboration in nuclear science through the promotion of nuclear physics and its trans- disciplinary use and application in collaborative ventures between research groups within Europe and particularly those from countries linked to the ESF” Guenther RosnerIUPAP WG.9 Symposium, Vancouver 2/7/102
Guenther RosnerIUPAP WG.9 Symposium, Vancouver 2/7/103 has currently 28 members from 20 countries – Bulgaria will join in 2011 meets 3 times a year in different member states
ESF European Science Foundation Founded member organisations – Science Ministries – Research Councils – Academies from 30 countries Guenther RosnerIUPAP WG.9 Symposium, Vancouver 2/7/104
Environment Europe – European Physical Society: Nuclear Physics Board – EU Commission: Framework Programmes 6 & 7 CAPACITIES, Research Infrastructure I3s & IAs ERA-net “NuPNET” – EU Council: ESFRI – European Committee for Future Accelerators, ECFA Globally –US DoE & NSF: Nuclear Science Advisory Committee, NSAC –Asian Nuclear Physics Association, ANPhA –International Union of Pure and Applied Physics, IUPAP Nuclear Physics C’ttee, C12 Working Group on Int’l Coordination of Nuclear Physics, WG.9 United Nations, OECD Global Science Forum: Working Group on Nuclear Physics Guenther RosnerIUPAP WG.9 Symposium, Vancouver 2/7/105
What does Identifies key scientific issues Issues publications Performs surveys of human resources Establishes Nuclear Physics sub-fields Interacts with funding agencies Launches new Projects Develops Long Range Plans Guenther RosnerIUPAP WG.9 Symposium, Vancouver 2/7/106
Key Scientific Issues Nature of visible matter in the universe – Structure of strongly interacting particles (hadrons) – Confinement, QCD vacuum – Exotic hadronic matter New types of strongly interacting bulk matter – At very high temperatures shortly after Big Bang – At very high densities, e.g. in the core of neutron stars Nuclear properties of 300 stable 6000 short-lived nuclei – By use of intense radioactive beams – Nuclei at their limits of existence – Generation of heavy nuclei in cataclysmic cosmic events Fundamental Interactions – Matter dominance in Universe – Nature of neutrinos – (Violation of) Symmetries Applications of nuclear physics for e.g. – Energy generation – Nuclear Medicine – Security Issues Guenther RosnerIUPAP WG.9 Symposium, Vancouver 2/7/107
Publications Web: Nuclear Physics News – 4 issues p.a., 6000 subscribers in Europe, North America & Japan Handbook of Facilities Access Survey of Resources Topical Reports Long Range Plans Outreach activities – Brochures Radioactive Beams Nature at the Femto- scale – Public Awareness of Nuclear Science, PANS – Nuclear Physics Experience, NUPEX Guenther RosnerIUPAP WG.9 Symposium, Vancouver 2/7/108
Survey of Human Resources Guenther Rosner9IUPAP WG.9 Symposium, Vancouver 2/7/10
…in Various Key Subfields Guenther RosnerIUPAP WG.9 Symposium, Vancouver 2/7/1010
Launch of New Projects EU Framework 6 Programme – Integrated Infrastructure Initiatives, I3s Nuclear Structure and Reaction Dynamics: EURONS Strongly Interacting Matter: HadronPhysics – Design Studies DIRACsecondary-Beams (FAIR) EURISOL EU Framework 7 Programme – Integrating Activities, IAs Hadron Structure & Spectroscopy, QGP: HadronPhysics2 Nuclear Science & Applications: ENSAR Applied Nuclear Physics: SPIRIT High intensity stable beam initiative: ECOS Electron-nucleon/ion collider: FAIR, CERN Guenther RosnerIUPAP WG.9 Symposium, Vancouver 2/7/1011
NuPECC Long Range Plan 2010 Perspectives for Nuclear Physics Research in Europe Guenther RosnerIUPAP WG.9 Symposium, Vancouver 2/7/1012
LRP2010 Rationale Nuclear Physics projects involve setting up large-scale Research Infrastructures – needs Strong science case Strong support of scientific community Strong support of policy makers Coherent action of funding agencies – because they are expensive! NP projects have long lead times – Needs Considered planning ahead (LRPs or FLs) Guenther RosnerIUPAP WG.9 Symposium, Vancouver 2/7/1013
LRP2010 Objectives Review status of the field Issue recommendations to advance – the science & – its applications in Europe Develop action plan – Roadmap for upgrading existing NP facilities building new large-scale Research Infrastructures Collaborate with – EU FP7 IAs: “HadronPhysics2” and “ENSAR” ERA-net “NuPNET” (funding agencies) Put European Nuclear Physics into worldwide context −NSAC / DoE & NSF in USA, ANPhA in Asia −IUPAP −OECD Global Science Forum Guenther RosnerIUPAP WG.9 Symposium, Vancouver 2/7/1014
Outline LRP2010 Foreword Executive Summary – Purpose, Scientific & Societal Scope, Objectives – Science Case – Research Infrastructures & Networking – Scientific Themes Recommendations & Roadmap Research Infrastructures & Networking – Existing Research Infrastructure & Upgrades – Future Research Infrastructures – Collaboration at European and Global Level Scientific Themes – Hadron Physics – Phases of Strongly Interacting Matter – Nuclear Structure & Dynamics – Nuclear Astrophysics – Fundamental Interactions – Nuclear Physics Tools & Applications Glossary Guenther RosnerIUPAP WG.9 Symposium, Vancouver 2/7/1015
Scientific Themes 1)Hadron Physics 2)Phases of Strongly Interacting Matter 3)Nuclear Structure & Dynamics 4)Nuclear Astrophysics 5)Fundamental Interactions 6)Nuclear Physics Tools & Applications NuPECC Steering C’ttee 1)G. Rosner (Chair) 2)J.J. Gaardhøje 3)A. Bracco 4)P.-H. Heenen 5)E. Widmann 6)Ph. Chomaz NuPECC Liaison 1)J. Wambach 2)Th. Peitzmann 3)M.J.G. Borge 4)S. Harissopulos 5)K. Jungmann 6)E. Nappi Working Group Conveners 1)U. Wiedner 2)P. Giubellino 3)R. Julin 4)B. Fulton 5)N. Severijns 6)S. Leray Guenther RosnerIUPAP WG.9 Symposium, Vancouver 2/7/1016
Working Groups 1)Hadron Physics – Convener: U. Wiedner (U Bochum) Experts: C. Alexandrou, M. Anselmino, R. Beck, M. Birse, T. Bressani, M. Guidal, T. Hennino, F. Maas, U. Meissner, K. Peters, A. Schaefer, M. Soyeur, A. Szczurek, M. Vanderhaeghen 2)Phases of Strongly Interacting Matter – Convener: P. Giubellino (INFN Torino) Experts: G. Cardella, F. Gulminelli, A. Kugler, J. Nystrand, J.-Y. Ollitrault, M. Petrovici, K. Redlich, P. Senger, R. Snellings, J. Wessels, U. Wiedemann 3)Nuclear Structure & Dynamics – Convener: R. Julin (JYFL Jyväskylä) Experts: N. Alahari, T. Aumann, Y. Blumenfeld, P. Butler, H. Fynbo, A. Gadea, W. Korten, A. Maj, G. Neyens, T. Nilsson, R. Roth, P. Roussel-Chomaz, C. Scheidenberger, A. Vitturi, Dario Vretenar 4)Nuclear Astrophysics – Convener: B. Fulton (U York) Experts: N. Chamel, Z. Fülöp, F. Hammache, M. Heil, J. José, F. de Oliveira, P. Prati, T. Rauscher, S. Romano, K. Sonnabend, C. Vockenhuber, P. Woods 5)Fundamental Interactions – N. Severijns (KU Leuven) Experts: R. Calabrese, G. Drexlin, D. Horvath, K. Kirch, K. Pachuki, F. Piquemal, S. Schönert, R. Timmermans, C. Volpe, Ch. Weinheimer, O. Zimmer 6)Nuclear Physics Tools & Applications – Convener: S. Leray (IRFU Saclay) Experts: J. Benlliure, A. Boston, M. Durante, S. Gammino, J. G. Camacho, M. Huyse, J. Kucera, P. Moretto, L. Sihver, C. Trautmann Guenther RosnerIUPAP WG.9 Symposium, Vancouver 2/7/1017
WGs’ Tasks Identify – Big questions – Key issues in NP sub-field Write contribution to LRP2010 – Review recent achievements and the current state of the art – Identify open problems and hot topics in the field – Develop medium and long-term strategies to tackle them – How to optimise interplay between experiment and theory – Develop the European and worldwide perspective of the field – Formulate recommendations and propose action plan Involve community – NuPECC LRP2010 Scoping Workshop at FIAS in Frankfurt, 12-13/10/2009 – NuPECC LRP2010 Town Meeting at CSIC in Madrid, 31/5-2/6/2010 – In between: Invite experts to WG face-to-face meetings Organise mini-workshops Put drafts on NuPECC website Guenther RosnerIUPAP WG.9 Symposium, Vancouver 2/7/1018
RIs & Networking Existing Research Infrastructures & Upgrades – Theory & Computing – Lepton Beam Facilities – Hadron Beam Facilities – Neutron Facilities – Smaller Scale Facilities Future Research Infrastructures – ESFRI Roadmap Facilities – Major Upgrades of Existing Facilities – Travelling Detectors – Projects & Design Studies Networking – Europe ESF EU – FP7 IAs “HadronPhysics2” & “ENSAR” – FP7 ERA-net “NuPNET” EPS / NPB ECFA – Outwith Europe NSAC & ANPhA – Globally IUPAP WG.9 OECD Global Science Forum Guenther RosnerIUPAP WG.9 Symposium, Vancouver 2/7/1019
Guenther RosnerIUPAP WG.9 Symposium, Vancouver 2/7/1020 GSI: 2.5 GeV/c , FOPI, HADES FAIR: 15 GeV/c PANDA 40 GeV/n CBM Low-E FLAIR PAX or ENC FZ Jülich: 2.5 GeV COSY MAX-lab: 0.25 GeV CERN: 200 GeV μ, COMPASS 5.5 TeV/n ALICE Low-E AD LHeC INFN LNF: 1 GeV e + e DA NE 16 MeV K MAMI: 1.5 GeV e, ELSA: 3.5 GeV e, Hadron Physics Facilities
Guenther Rosner21IUPAP WG.9 Symposium, Vancouver 2/7/10 CERN: ISOLDE Radioactive HI beams HIE-ISOLDE Radioactive HI beam GSI: HI beams FAIR: NuSTAR Radioactive HI beams GANIL: SPIRAL (Radioactive) HI beams SPIRAL 2 Radioactive HI beams INFN LNL: HI beams SPES Radioactive HI beams JYFL: HI beams KVI: HI beams INFN LNS: HI beams IPN-ALTO: (Radioactive) HI beams EURISOL Nuclear Structure Facilities
Draft Recommendations Complete ESFRI Facilities – FAIR with PANDA, CBM, NuSTAR and APPA – SPIRAL2 at GANIL including S3 and DESIR Perform Major Upgrades – HIE-ISOLDE at CERN – SPES at INFN-LNL – AGATA – SC Linac at GSI Support ALICE at CERN – Upgrades for nuclear beams programme at LHC to expand physics reach Support Theory – RI ECT* in Trento – Projects for advanced studies related to the experimental roadmap – Dedicated high-performance computing facilities Fully exploit Existing Facilities – Lepton beam facilities ELSA in Bonn, MAMI in Mainz, COMPASS at CERN, DANE at INFN-LNF, and hadron beam facilities COSY at FZ Juelich and GSI in Darmstadt – Heavy ion beam facilities at JYFL, KVI, GSI, GANIL, IPNO, ISOLDE, INFN-LNL and INFN-LNS – Underground labs in Europe, e.g. LUNA at INFN Gran Sasso – AD at CERN & upgrade ELENA – Smaller scale national and university labs across Europe for nuclear applications, structure & astrophysics experiments, and fundamental studies Guenther Rosner22IUPAP WG.9 Symposium, Vancouver 2/7/10
Draft Recommendations cont’d Support Nuclear Physics applications & education – Novel developments for nuclear energy, medicine & security – Beams, targets & instrumentation developments – Secure and develop nuclear physics skills basis for current and future needs Promote Planning for Future Large-Scale Facilities – EURISOL as RI in future updates of ESFRI list – Technical Design Study for intense radioactive beams at – Technical Design Studies for PAX and ENC at FAIR – Technical Design study for nuclear physics experiments & applications at ELI – Technical Design Study for LHeC at CERN Guenther RosnerIUPAP WG.9 Symposium, Vancouver 2/7/1023
FAIR PANDA R&D Construction CommissioningExploitation CBM R&D Construction CommissioningExploitationSIS300 NuSTAR R&D Construction CommissioningExploit.NESR APPA R&D Construction CommissioningExploit.NESR FLAIR SIS300 PAX/ ENC Design Study R&D Tests Construction/CommissioningCollider experiments SPIRAL 2 R&D Constr./Commission.Exploitation150 MeV/u Post-accelerator HIE- ISOLDE R&D Constr./Commission.ExploitationInjector Upgrade SPES R&D Constr./Commission.Exploitation EUR- ISOL R&D Preparatory Phase / Site Decision Engineering Study Construction/Commissioning LHeC Design Study R&D Engineering Study Draft Roadmap New Large-Scale Facilities
LRP2010 Schedule DatesActionsDeliverables 12-13/10/09 Scoping FIAS, Frankfurt WGs’ final lists of Big Questions, Key Issues & Activities Oct. ‘09-Jan. ‘10 WGs draft Themes’ contribution to LRP2010 Draft to SC 15/1/10 Jan./Feb. ‘10 SC + Liaison + WG-Conveners draft Exec. Summary Draft to NuPECC 1/3/ /3/10 NuPECC evaluates first draft of LRP2010 List of requested changes March/Apr. ‘10 WGs + SC + Liaison revise draft, SC drafts global recommendations, priorities & roadmap Draft to NuPECC 1/5/10 May ‘10 NuPECC evaluates revised draft, SC + Liaison + WG-Conveners prepare Town Meeting Draft to European NP community 15/5/10 31/5-2/6/10 Town CISC, MadridList of requested changes June-Oct. ‘10 SC + Liaison + WGs revise Draft LRP2010 SC writes shiny brochure Final drafts to NuPECC 25/9/10 8-9/10/10NuPECC evaluates final draftsList of requested changes Oct.-Dec. ‘10SC + Liaison + WGs finalise LRP brochurePubl. of LRP2010, 9/12/10 Guenther RosnerIUPAP WG.9 Symposium, Vancouver 2/7/1025
Thank you very much for your attention Guenther RosnerIUPAP WG.9 Symposium, Vancouver 2/7/10 26