How to Read a Scientific Paper (Computational) Question 1: Are the conclusions justified
1)Title – should give a clear indication of the content 2)Abstract – presents a synopsis of the paper. 1)Why was the work undertaken? 2)How was it performed? 3)What was determined? 3)Conclusions – similar to abstract but may be more speculative 1)Presents the “take-home message” for the paper 4)The rest of the paper Order of Reading Operations
1)Introduction – Presents the background, the motivation and the current level of knowledge 2)Results – what was determined? 3)Discussion – significance and interpretation of the results 4)Experimental/Methods – Details of the approach 1)Should be sufficiently detailed that someone with experience in the method could reproduce the work Order of Reading Operations
Title and Introduction: What types of problems will likely have to be addressed in the paper? Is the Journal appropriate for the work? Is it reputable? Abstract and Conclusions: What results support their claims? Have they overstated the significance? Methods: Is it clear? Do you understand/trust the methods Results/Discussion: Have the calculations been validated? If so, how? Is the validation appropriate? Are the simulations converged? How was water treated? Have they discussed all of the relevant issues or are they ignoring something important? What to be Thinking