Improving Certification, Training, & Professional Development for the AT&L Community Project Update Robert Hausmann, CNAC Judith Bayliss, DAU LCL Career Field UPDATE
2 Project Update Summary Project has gained visibility and traction thanks to presentations to SSB, CDSC Directors, WMG, Army DACM, AF DACM, Navy DACM etc. LCL Career Field Project has moved from Expert Panel to Focus Group Data Collection Stage Other Career Fields efforts are also moving along with addition of Property and Contracting/ Purchasing Need more SMEs and full participation from all components Currently scheduling more sessions 2 sessions planned (9/12, 9/20, 9/21)
3 Standard/Repeatable Process: Implementing OPM approved methodology Reviewed/accepted by research psychologists Time-Line: 4 Initial Career Fields 1.PM (10/06) 2.LOG (12/06) 3.SPRDE (03/07) 4.PROPERTY (06/07) –Contracting/Purchasing to follow (06/08) Time line established in AT&L Human Capital Strategic Plan Human Capital Strategic Plan Project Has Gained Traction
4 Expert Panels Completed 1.Assemble Expert Panel for career fields to gather input from senior leaders 2.Conduct online or facilitated focus groups to identify and match competencies (key behaviors, KSAOs, and outputs) to essential job functions 3.Develop key situations through online structured interviews to identify specific job-related behaviors of superior performers 4.Multi-rater Survey of job incumbents and managers to evaluate: –Importance –Criticality –Observed frequency of competency-related behaviors > Framework Finalized > Focus Group Data Collection Begins 9/12
5 Need For More SMEs 2. Conduct online or facilitated focus groups to identify and match competencies (key behaviors, KSAOs, and outputs) to essential job functions 3. Develop key situations through online structured interviews to identify specific job-related behaviors of superior performers Quantico 9/12 (AM and PM Sessions) Belvoir 9/20 and 9/21 (AM and PM Sessions) WPAFB PAX River Albany, GA Huntsville, AL Web-based data collection tool Currently Scheduling More Data Collection Sessions
6 Logistics Timeline
7 Supporting Workforce Planning, Competency Management, New Certification Framework, Other Human Capital Initiatives Implementing OPM Methodologies – standard, repeatable process Phase II Phase III Phase I Continuing Updates What’s Ahead
8 HR-XML HR-XML Competency Management System Competency Management System Human Resources System Succession Planning Identify expected critical vacancies Identify employees & candidate gaps Selection Identify skills for superior performance Explain career development to prospects Career Planning Develop career management accounts Training and Education Analyze skill gaps Assess optimal timing Target to work requirements Performance metrics Training evaluation Training needs assessment Mission Support Analyze alignment between the skills and the mission Organizational Effectiveness Identify redundant operations Link to Mission Goals Retain key skills Identify competencies for future missions Plan for projected retirements Workforce Planning Additional Issues: Competency Management Outcomes Learning Content System Performance Management System Learning Management System
9 HR-XML: Standard suite of XML specifications to enable e-business and the automation of human-resources related data exchanges.* Standard data elements used to transmit competency information between agencies Data standard for industry vendors to cross-talk * OPM Guidance Competency Data Standard
10 OPM Data Elements
11 PM Ex: Management Process Unit of Competence: Management Processes Addresses agency acquisition policy in support of assigned missions and functions and how agency acquisition professionals (Program Executives, PMs, their deputies, program integrators, analysts, and those in support and management positions) balance risk, the many factors that influence cost, schedule, and performance, to include the tailoring of acquisition policies to ensure quality, affordable, supportable, and effective systems/products are delivered to the user as quickly as possible. Competency: Requirements Process ElementPerformance Criteria (Key Behaviors) Identify, analyze, and prioritize needs, to establish capability gaps Identifying, assessing and prioritizing mission-oriented capabilities including overseeing a functional needs analysis (A study of agency needs vs. capability gaps) to establish requirements. Coordinate with potential users to further establish program and project requirements. Develop/Evaluate non-system or activity-specific concepts relative to gaps Initiate and evaluate, if applicable, studies of different non-system specific, or activity specific, materiel and non-materiel approaches (concepts) to provide a required capability. (Assessing in an operational context the performance characteristics of alternatives) Professional Skills Clearly and effectively communicate to stakeholders (Oral Communication) Talk to the leaders, experts, personnel and stakeholders involved to build buy-in and/or identify the real value of the program and what it can do to aid in achieving their larger mission. Aware of the impact of external environment on program (External Awareness) Maintains an awareness of the industrial bases capacity, including the supply chain that impacts materials of the end product.
12 PM Ex: Management Process Unit of Competence: Management Processes Addresses agency acquisition policy in support of assigned missions and functions and how agency acquisition professionals (Program Executives, PMs, their deputies, program integrators, analysts, and those in support and management positions) balance risk, the many factors that influence cost, schedule, and performance, to include the tailoring of acquisition policies to ensure quality, affordable, supportable, and effective systems/products are delivered to the user as quickly as possible. Competency: Requirements Process ElementPerformance Criteria (Key Behaviors) Identify, analyze, and prioritize needs, to establish capability gaps Identifying, assessing and prioritizing mission-oriented capabilities including overseeing a functional needs analysis (A study of agency needs vs. capability gaps) to establish requirements. Coordinate with potential users to further establish program and project requirements. Develop/Evaluate non-system or activity-specific concepts relative to gaps Initiate and evaluate, if applicable, studies of different non-system specific, or activity specific, materiel and non-materiel approaches (concepts) to provide a required capability. (Assessing in an operational context the performance characteristics of alternatives) Professional Skills Clearly and effectively communicate to stakeholders (Oral Communication) Talk to the leaders, experts, personnel and stakeholders involved to build buy-in and/or identify the real value of the program and what it can do to aid in achieving their larger mission. Aware of the impact of external environment on program (External Awareness) Maintains an awareness of the industrial bases capacity, including the supply chain that impacts materials of the end product. Competency Group Competency Description Competency Name Competency Type Competency Evidence Proficiency Scale Proficiency Description Other OPM Data Elements to track: Competency Source Position Competency Requirement Employee Competency Evidence Verification Competency Weight
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