The numbers in Spanish…..easy as 1, 2, 3!!! Unoonce Dos doce Tres trece Cuatro catorce Cinco quince Seis dieciseis Siete diecisiete Ocho dieciocho Nueve diecinueve Diez veinte
NOW……….. It changes a little for the numbers Veintiuno Veintidos Veintitres Veinticuatro Veinticinco Veintiseis Veintisiete Veintiocho Veintinueve
NOW…… for the numbers Treinta (30) Cuarenta (40) Cincuenta (50) Sesenta (60) Setenta (70) Ochenta (80) Noventa (90) Ciento (100)
NOW… to say 31-39, 41-49, 51-59, etc………. 31 = treinta y uno 32 = treinta y dos or 43 = cuarenta y tres 44 = cuarenta y cuatro ETC………Get it???????
Once you get to 100, its just a matter of saying the number 100 then add the next number….. Example: 110 = ciento diez 140 = ciento cuarenta 155 = ciento cincuenta y cinco 184 = ciento ochenta y cuatro 198 = ???
But let’s not forget about the numbers Doscientos = 200 trescientos = 300 cuatrocientos = 400 quinientos = 500 seiscientos = 600 setecientos = 700 ochocientos = 800 novecientos = 900 mil = 1000
So…… what if I wanted to say the following numbers?????? 234 = 467 = 881 = 956 = 1995 =
See…….. I told you it was as easy as… Uno, Dos, Tres!!!!