1 דפנה גולדברג ענבי – יועצת סקרים Dafna Goldberg – Anaby Research analy Dafna Goldberg – Anaby Research analyst 1 1 December 2007 Excellence in the Israeli Society Public opinion survey The Society for Excellence through Education 1
2 דפנה גולדברג ענבי – יועצת סקרים Dafna Goldberg – Anaby Research analy Dafna Goldberg – Anaby Research analyst 1 2 Perception of achievements in public and private systems – absolute ranking Perception of achievements in public and private systems in Israel compared to western countries. Degree of influence of excellence in education on socio-economic achievements of the individual and value-laden achievements of society. What means are required in order to achieve excellence in education. Purposes of the survey Purposes of the survey 2
דפנה גולדברג - ענבי – יועצת סקרים Dafna Goldberg – Anaby Research analy Dafna Goldberg – Anaby Research analyst 13 Absolute ranking – a “net” calculation = % answering “excellent + very good” minus % of those answering “not so good + bad” A positive “net” means that the % of “excellent/very good” responses is higher than the % of “not so good / bad” responses. A negative “net” means the opposite. A wide gap between the three first places, each of which is a “level” on its own. There are also significant gaps between the last 4 places. It may be that the perceptions of education and academia were hurt by the recent strikes. -57% -42% -36% -26% 12% 33% 62% -2% -8% -6% -5% Education Environment Police Legal system Sport Health Financial services Academia Cinema Military Hi tech 3
דפנה גולדברג - ענבי – יועצת סקרים Dafna Goldberg – Anaby Research analy Dafna Goldberg – Anaby Research analyst 14 Absolute ranking – “net” Comparison with 2006 survey findings ( conducted by the Smith Institute ) Findings of current 2007 surveyFindings of 2006 survey 4
דפנה גולדברג - ענבי – יועצת סקרים Dafna Goldberg – Anaby Research analy Dafna Goldberg – Anaby Research analyst 15 (averages on a scale of where 1 = first place and 100 = last place) Relative ranking of Israeli achievements compared to the west Education Police Sport Environment Cinema Legal system Financial services Academia Health Hi tech Military Vs. western countries Average of excellence ranking of Israel vs. Arab countries ranges between 25 and 52, i.e. between the top quarter and the middle. High Tech and Military are ranked at the top. Education is ranked last. The Police, Sports and Environment are ranked at a very low level Vs. western countries 5
6 דפנה גולדברג ענבי – יועצת סקרים Dafna Goldberg – Anaby Research analy Dafna Goldberg – Anaby Research analyst 1 6 In your opinion, which of these three issues has the greatest influence on excellence in education? 6
7 דפנה גולדברג ענבי – יועצת סקרים Dafna Goldberg – Anaby Research analy Dafna Goldberg – Anaby Research analyst 1 7 To what extent can excellence in education affect the following: 7
8 דפנה גולדברג ענבי – יועצת סקרים Dafna Goldberg – Anaby Research analy Dafna Goldberg – Anaby Research analyst 1 8 An absolute majority of the Israeli public believes that excellence in education has a very great influence on the achievements of the individual in terms of both economic and social standing. An absolute majority of the Israeli public believes that excellence in education can have a beneficial effect on values in Israeli society, primarily the reduction of violence and greater volunteering in the community. Excellence in education has a great deal to offer on both the personal and the national level. Summary of the influence of excellence in education 8
9 דפנה גולדברג ענבי – יועצת סקרים Dafna Goldberg – Anaby Research analy Dafna Goldberg – Anaby Research analyst 1 9 The Israeli public is very optimistic; it believes that Israel has progressed in recent years, and will progress even more in the coming five years. Where is Israel going in terms of “excellence”? In general, would you say that in recent years / in the next 5 years “excellence” in Israel is progressing / declining or the same. 9
10 דפנה גולדברג ענבי – יועצת סקרים Dafna Goldberg – Anaby Research analy Dafna Goldberg – Anaby Research analyst 1 10 To which gender is the quality of excellence most suited? In the whole sample, women were named more than men. Almost half the interviewees ranked both genders equally. 10