EEE Name: eee105 Password: prAIRie Agriculture
Animal -Human Disease Transmission Small pox derived from cow pox Tuberculosis also from cows Measles also from cattle Malaria from birds AIDS from Green Monkey
Animal -Human Disease Transmission
Influenza World-wide pandemic 20 million died Probably started in Kansas
Why do modern flus originate in Asia? Influenza flu virus moves between humans, pigs, & poultry
Influenza flu virus moves between humans, pigs, & poultry Why do modern flus originate in Asia?
Animal -Human Disease Transmission Prion diseases spongiform encephalopathies
Animal -Human Disease Transmission Prion diseases First discovered in sheep -- scrapie transmitted when sheep ate meat from diseased sheep
Animal -Human Disease Transmission Prion diseases First discovered in sheep -- scrapie transmitted when sheep ate meat from diseased sheep Then discovered in New Guinea cannibals -- kuru, the “laughing sickness”
Animal -Human Disease Transmission Prions are rogue proteins which cause production of similar proteins destroy brain tissue
Animal -Human Disease Transmission Mad Cow Disease Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy -- BSE
BSE discovered in Britain on ,000 cattle destroyed since then
Animal -Human Disease Transmission Mad Cow Disease Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy -- BSE in humans Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease CJD
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease A rare disease No diagnostic test yet Long delay between infection and onset
Prion Diseases mink Wasting disease in mule deer & elk
Prion Diseases mink Wasting disease in mule deer & elk Possibly in squirrel brains
Prion Diseases
Name: eee105 Password: prAIRie Water Resources Chpt. 16
70% of earth’s surface is covered by water –Fresh Water = 3% –Usable fresh water =.003% Water Resources
Inland waters cover < 2% of earth’s surface Oceans 1,322,000,000 km 3 Polar ice + glaciers 29,200,000 km 3 Ground water 24,000,000 km 3 (uncertain) Freshwater lakes 125,000 km 3 Saline lakes & inland seas 104,000 km 3 Soil & subsoil water 65,000 km 3 Atmospheric vapor 14,000 km 3 Rivers & streams 1,200 km 3 Water Resources
The 20 lakes deeper than 400 m contain a disproportionate amount of world’s fresh water Lake Baikal -- 23,000 km 3 Laurentian Great Lakes contain 24,620 km 3 20% of earth's unfrozen freshwater Water Resources
Hydrologic Cycle All water is locked into a constant recycling process
Hydrologic Cycle Solar energy evaporates water Transpiration - Plants giving off water Warm, moist air rises, cools, condenses, and falls as precipitation. Some precipitation remains on the surface and evaporates most sinks into the soil and / or returns to the oceans.
Hydrologic Cycle streamflow
Hydrologic Cycle streamflow
Groundwater - Water entering the soil is either taken up by plants roots or moves downward until it reaches an impervious layer of rock, and accumulates in porous strata called an aquifer.
Hydrologic Cycle aquifers
Hydrologic Cycle Water withdrawal
Hydrologic Cycle Ogallala aquifer decline
Water Use Domestic Relatively small amount (8%) of global freshwater is withdrawn for municipal and domestic uses. About 60% of water used for domestic purposes is returned to rivers as wastewater. Natural purification processes cannot cope with highly concentrated wastes typical of large urban areas.
Human effects on the hydrological cycle Increased evaporation cooling
Human effects on the hydrological cycle Increased evaporation cooling irrigation
Human effects on the hydrological cycle Increased evaporation Increased runoff deforestation
Human effects on the hydrological cycle Increased evaporation Increased runoff deforestation pavement
Human effects on the hydrological cycle Increased evaporation Increased runoff deforestation pavement sewers
Human effects on the hydrological cycle Increased evaporation Increased runoff Water usage
domestic industry agriculture How water is used
Water usage Agricultural Water Use Irrigation is the major consumptive use of water in most parts of world Cost of water is a limiting factor on agriculture
Water usage Industrial Water Use, and 23% worldwide, and is returned to the source. Accounts for nearly 50% of all water withdrawal in US 90% of water used by industry is for cooling
Water usage Industrial Water Use, and 23% worldwide, and is returned to the source. Accounts for nearly 50% of all water withdrawal in US 90% of water used by industry is for cooling Water used to dissipate and transport waste -- stream and lake degradation
Water usage
Domestic Water Use 70% used as solvent to carry wastes 30% used for lawn and garden very small fraction used for drinking must be treated before release Natural processes cannot cope with highly concentrated urban wastes Average person in NA home uses approximately 100 gallons of water per day