Shepherding The Flock The Importance Of Elders In The N. T. Church …


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Presentation transcript:

Shepherding The Flock The Importance Of Elders In The N. T. Church …

Shepherding The Flock The Importance Of Elders In The N. T. Church Shepherding The Flock The Importance Of Elders In The N. T. Church

Shepherding The Flock The Importance Of Elders In The N. T. Church Why Elders?  Why not a “free-for-all?” Judg 17:6 (chaos)  Why not “majority rule?” Ex 23:2 (majority could be wrong)  Churches without them are “lacking” Titus 1:5

Shepherding The Flock The Importance Of Elders In The N. T. Church Why Elders?  God’s people often seen as “scattered” and “wandering” Mt 9:36  Elders provide necessary watch, care  God’s people have spiritual needs that have been placed under “shepherds” Ezek 34:1-10

Shepherding The Flock The Importance Of Elders In The N. T. Church Why Elders?  God certainly cares for our spiritual well-being…every lamb is precious Mt 18:12-13  His desire Ù place “sheep” in the care of an under-shepherd 1 Pet 5:4 Heb 13:20

Shepherding The Flock The Importance Of Elders In The N. T. Church What Kind Of Man?  Qualified 1 Tim 3:1-7 Titus 1:5-9  As God would define it…not as we would  Re: his character and his family  It is important to properly understand these verses…however, this will not be our focus in this lesson

Shepherding The Flock The Importance Of Elders In The N. T. Church What Kind Of Man?  The N.T. uses 3 different words to identify such a man  Presbuteros Ù A man who is mature in age & spiritual development “Elder” Titus 1:5“Presbytery” 1 Tim 4:14

Shepherding The Flock The Importance Of Elders In The N. T. Church What Kind Of Man?  The N.T. uses 3 different words to identify such a man  Episkopos Ù A man who has demonstrated the ability to rule “Overseer” Acts 20:28“Bishop” Phil 1:1

Shepherding The Flock The Importance Of Elders In The N. T. Church What Kind Of Man?  The N.T. uses 3 different words to identify such a man  Poimeen Ù A man who realizes the watchfulness, care for a flock “Shepherd” 1 Pet 5:2“Pastor” Eph 4:11

Shepherding The Flock The Importance Of Elders In The N. T. Church What Does He Do?  He doesn’t regulate in doctrine…Christ does that Mt 28:20 Col 3:17 2 Jn 9  If not in this realm, where does he lead?  In the realm of human judgment  It is here the sheep hear his voice and follow him

Shepherding The Flock The Importance Of Elders In The N. T. Church What Does He Do?  Because he is qualified, he will be a tremendous blessing  Feeds the flock 1 Pet 5:2  Watches over the flock 1 Tim 3:5  Protects the flock from danger Titus 1:9 Acts 20:29-30

Shepherding The Flock The Importance Of Elders In The N. T. Church What Does He Do?  Because he is qualified, he will be a tremendous blessing  Provides leadership, guidance…an example to follow Heb 13:7  Re: marriage Titus 1:6  Re: parenting 1 Tim 3:4 Titus 1:6  Re: discipleship Titus 1:9

Shepherding The Flock The Importance Of Elders In The N. T. Church What Does He Do?  Can we not see how weighty his task is? Heb 13:17a  The sheep’s task is equally weighty Heb 13:17b  We are charged to submit to him  To refuse puts our souls in jeopardy

Shepherding The Flock The Importance Of Elders In The N. T. Church What Does He Do?  The relationship between a shepherd & his sheep is special  He is such a man the sheep will go to when they have problems  Also such a man that goes to the sheep when they are wandering, needing care

Shepherding The Flock The Importance Of Elders In The N. T. Church What Does He Do?  Therefore, he deserves respect from the sheep 1 Thess 5:12-13  The shepherd knows his sheep Jn 10:1-4, 10-11, 14  The sheep must “know” the shepherd “To have regard, cherish, pay attention to”

Shepherding The Flock The Importance Of Elders In The N. T. Church How Is He Chosen?  We have no specific N.T. passage that directs us re: this “process”  We do have Acts 14:21-23 & Titus 1:5  Passages that speak of apostles, other inspired servants appointing elders

Shepherding The Flock The Importance Of Elders In The N. T. Church How Is He Chosen?  We can look to Acts 6:1-6 as a “model”  Admit: context does not address elders  However, it provides guidelines we can use when local churches select & appoint their shepherds

Shepherding The Flock The Importance Of Elders In The N. T. Church How Is He Chosen?  We can look to Acts 6:1-6 as a “model”  It emphasizes some important truths… …servants who met given qualifications …brethren who had already earned the respect & trust of fellow believers …believers chose from among themselves

Shepherding The Flock The Importance Of Elders In The N. T. Church How Is He Chosen?  Any man who “aspires” to this office must not see it as a promotion  One who seeks it for personal glory is not qualified nor worthy to serve  One who campaigns for it is not qualified nor worthy to serve

Shepherding The Flock The Importance Of Elders In The N. T. Church Some Closing Comments  We’re seeking individual shepherds… not an eldership  Yes…it must be a plurality Acts 14:23  Yes…they act in concert together  But we appoint men individually

Shepherding The Flock The Importance Of Elders In The N. T. Church Some Closing Comments  The work of a shepherd is weighty  The work of selecting a shepherd is equally important  May we undertake this task carefully and prayerfully…and not lightly

Shepherding The Flock The Importance Of Elders In The N. T. Church …