A I A S 1 Bargaining issues in Europe: comparing countries and industries WageIndicator conference 16 April 2008 Maarten van Klaveren University of Amsterdam.


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Presentation transcript:

A I A S 1 Bargaining issues in Europe: comparing countries and industries WageIndicator conference 16 April 2008 Maarten van Klaveren University of Amsterdam Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Labour Studies

A I A S 2 The WIBAR-1 project Project –Analyses based on WageIndicator data (2004/09 –2006/09) –Funding EU: Industrial Relations and Social Dialogue Program, 1-year project (2006/09 – 2007/08) –Book: Van Klaveren/Tijdens (eds) Bargaining Issues in Europe: comparing countries and industries, Brussels: ETUI- REHS/AIAS/WageIndicator Comparison –within-country comparison across industries, based on scores on 5 themes –comparison across countries, based on scores on 5 themes –problem ranking of industries, based on scores on 5 themes

A I A S 3 Social benchmarking for 9 EU member-states: –BE, DK, FI, DE, HU, NL, PL, ES, UK for 13 industries: –agriculture –manufacturing –utilities –construction –wholesale & retail –hotels, restaurants, catering –transport, communication –finance –other commercial services –public administration –education –health care and social work –other community and personal services

A I A S Focus on 6 subjects 1.working time (length week, opt-out, annualised hrs, on call, shifts Sat/Sun) 2.low pay (SMWs, share under LPT) 3.training (length, employer-provided, self-paid, training worthwhile) 4.older workers (age, education, expectations, working time, low pay, training, collective bargaining coverage, work-related stress) 5.collective bargaining coverage (coverage, ‘don’t know’, coverage regarded important) 6.work-related stress (physically/mentally exhausting, work at very high speed, -- cannot be finished in allocated time, -- to tight deadlines) 4

A I A S Problem-ranking of wholesale&retail issueyardstickscoreranking (1 – 13) Working Time% > 48 usual hours/week 6.47 Low Pay% < low-wage threshold Training100 – (% training provided by employer) Collective Bar- gaining Coverage 100 – (% covered)48.12 Work-related Stress joint score 5 indicators54.09 TOTALunweighted average