Innovative Leadership Council A Vision and Commitment to 21 st Century Educational Growth
Creating a Shared 21 st Educational Vision What do we know about education reform? What can be done to sustain and strengthen 21 st curricular and instructional practices? Who needs to be involved? What tools and resources are vital? How can we get there and how will we know if and when we arrive?
A Clear Purpose Create a shared vision, mission and goals Close the Gap – increase stakeholder input, commitment and continuity Develop a common language and purpose Establish a collaborative systems design approach to educational reform Utilize group genius and expertise to problem solve Create a continuous process of reexamination
New Workforce Requirements will require a highly focused systems design reform model.
Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) “The design of public education in our nation today is no longer aligned with the needs of the country. CCSSO’s Transforming Education: Delivering on Our Promise to Every Child strategic agenda calls for a new education system—one that is designed around the fundamental premise that we will provide each and every child with personalized learning experiences leading to success.”
Innovation-Based Economy Require New Skills
More Education = Better Jobs
2009 Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) The U.S. ranked 14 th out of 65 countries in reading, virtually the same ranking as the 2003 test. 25 th in mathematics, the same ranking as th in science, which is an improvement from 21 st in 2006
EETT Funding 2011 Challenges
Inspiring New Designs for the Conventional
Instructional Systems Design Model Analysis Develop DesignImplement Evaluate A Design That Works!
Current Initiatives and Funding
Systems Design Model + Collective Leadership Continuity = Change What is required for desired outcomes?What is required for desired outcomes? + Action Plan + Skills + Resources + Incentives = Vision + + Skills + Resources + Incentives = Vision + Action Plan + + Resources + Incentives = Vision + Action Plan + Skills + + Incentives = Vision + Action Plan + Skills + Resources+ = Vision Action Plan Skills Resources Incentives Confusion False Starts Anxiety Resistance Frustration Vision Action Plan Skills Resources + Incentives Change
Innovative Collaboration for Growth and Sustainability
Consortium of School Networking (COSN) Shawn McDonough – HBG SD Technology Director, PAECT President, and CoSN Chair CoSN’s Leadership Initiatives help K-12 education technology leaders address key challenges.Leadership Initiatives The mission of CoSN is to empower K-12 district technology leaders to use technology strategically for the improvement of teaching and learning.
ATTAIN To Replace EETT Funding CoSN, ISTE, the State Educational Technology Directors Association (SETDA), and the Software Information and Industry Association (SIIA) Recommendation to Congress: Enact the Achievement Through Technology and Innovation (ATTAIN) Act.
STEM in Education Bill Bertrand – PDE Tech. Ed. Advisor, PA STEM Initiatives - Engineering by Design "Everyone has a stake in improving STEM education. Inspiring all our students to be capable in math and science will help them contribute in an increasingly technology-based economy, and will also help America prepare the next generation of STEM professionals-scientists, engineers, architects and technology professionals-to ensure our competiveness.” (Arne Duncan, US Dept. of Ed. 2010)
The Challenge Ahead
Video Statements Education is the only business still debating technology. In any system, it is not the strongest that survive it’s the most adaptable to change. We have entered the age of boundless learning.
Our Next Steps? ILC Collaboration Meeting January 18 th, 1:00 PM – 3:30 PM Friendship Room Connect your reason for being here to one of the statements. When we reconvene, be prepared to share your connections and what you feel that you can contribute to the ILC.
Resources and-action-centerhttp:// and-action-center PDF%20Files/Competitiveness_Index_Where_ America_Stands_March_2007.pdfhttp:// PDF%20Files/Competitiveness_Index_Where_ America_Stands_March_2007.pdf microsites/ostp/pcast-stem-ed-final.pdfhttp:// microsites/ostp/pcast-stem-ed-final.pdf
Are They Ready? Success in today’s knowledge and innovation economy depends on education and skills development beyond high school, generally via the completion of a postsecondary education credential. Postsecondary education is correlated with higher personal incomes, productivity increases, economic growth, and increased civic participation and quality of life.