Unit2 Reading. Top10 inventions in 20th century:


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Presentation transcript:

Unit2 Reading

Top10 inventions in 20th century:

NO. 10 atomic bomb

NO. 9 space shuttle

NO. 8 television

NO. 7 artificial satellite

NO. 6 aspirin

Airliner NO. 5

NO. 4 personal computer

NO. 3 Mobile phone

NO. 2 internet

NO. 1 cloning

How much do you know about cloning? Dolly and its creator

第一只克隆宠物猫 cloned rabbit 克隆的荧光小猪 ( 左 ) 和 正常小猪 ( 右 ) 克隆马及其 “ 母亲兼姐姐 ”

Cloning is a way of making an exact copy of another animal or plant. It can be divided into natural clone and man-made clone. A natural clone is one that occurs in nature and a man-made clone is one that is produced through human intervention( 介 入,干预 ).

natural clones

man-made clones

Commercial use : A strawberry plant 一株草莓依靠它沿地 “ 爬走 ” 的匍匐茎, 一年内就能 长出数百株草莓苗

Is cloning good for the world?

Careful reading The main idea of each paragraph. 1.Cloning is ____________________________ ____________________________ 2. Cloning has ____________ uses. 3. The _________ of Dolly. 4. The ___________ of clonging in society. 5. The attitudes towards cloning. a way of making an exact copy of another animal and plant. problems two major impact/effect

It happens both in ________ and in _______. They can be cloned by themselves and humans. plantsanimals Natural cloneMan-made clone Para 1: The definition of cloning

1. How many major uses do cloning have? Firstly, …commercial… Secondly, …research… 2. How many female sheep participate in the cloning of a new sheep? 3. When was the cloning of Dolly the sheep born? 3 Para 2: The major uses and procedures of cloning 1996

How is a clone produced?

About Dolly the sheep Encouraging news: Dolly developed __________. Disturbing news: normally Dolly had become seriously ill; Dolly lived for six and a half years, half the length of the life of the original one. Para 3: The problems of Dolly

1. The sheep that donated the somatic cell most probably lived ____ years. A. 3 B. 6 C. 9 D. 13 推理判断 2.“Dolly’s illnesses were more appropriate to a much more older animal” means that ___. A. Dolly’s illness would make Dolly become old B. Dolly would have such illness when it become older C. Young animals like Dolly’s age shouldn’t have such illness

The word “controversial” in Para 4 probably means ________. A. complicated B. arguable C. important Para 4: The impact of Dolly B

True or false: 1. People feared that Cloned Hitlers would do harm to the world. 2. All the research into human beings will be forbidden. 3. Some countries will use cloning in a wise way. Para 5: People ’ s reaction to cloning Many governments forbade research into human beings. T T F

Hitler: an evil leader

意大利狂人医生 : 安蒂诺里 冒死也要克隆人的 科学家 : 布瓦瑟利耶

3. What is the writing style? A. Expositive (说明性的) B. Descriptive C. Argumentative (议论性的) D. Narrative 5.The writer’s reaction towards cloning is____ A. Positive B. Negative C. neutral 4.From the text we can see that some people _________ the human cloning while others______________ it. are against are in favor of 推理判断

Consolidation Clone is a way of making an exact_______ of another animal or plant. Cloning have two ______ uses. Firstly, gardeners use it all the time to produce _____________quantities. Secondly, it is valuable for research on new plant _________and for medical research on animals. But through the _________and death of Dolly, cloning has a lot of problems. On the other hand, we know cloning is controversial in some countries for ________and ___________reasons. copy major commercial species birth moral religious