Herefordshire Support for Families Strategy Consultation
What is the Children & Young People’s Partnership?
Herefordshire Support for Families Strategy Consultation What is the Partnership doing? Working to change the ways services are provided so that children, young people and families that need extra help can be identified and supported as early as possible. Consulting with children, young people, families and the people that work with them
Herefordshire Support for Families Strategy Consultation What is a Family? An adult doing the ‘job’ of parent or carer to one or more children or young people Birth families Extended birth families Foster families Adoptive families
Herefordshire Support for Families Strategy Consultation What is Support for Families? Any activity that aims to support a family to successfully meet all of their children’s needs Need for a healthy life Need to stay safe Need to enjoy and achieve Need to make a positive contribution Need to achieve economic well-being
Herefordshire Support for Families Strategy Consultation How are children & young people supported? Where do you go first for help or information? Source: Young People’s Health & Lifestyle Survey 2006, involving year olds in Herefordshire Mostly provided from within the family itself. Sometimes by an external agency or agencies with a specific remit to do so. ‘External’ support should be provided in partnership with the family, as they will be key to its success.
Herefordshire Support for Families Strategy Consultation What ‘needs’ do children, young people and families have?
Herefordshire Support for Families Strategy Consultation How is support provided now?
Herefordshire Support for Families Strategy Consultation How do we plan to change things?
Herefordshire Support for Families Strategy Consultation THANK YOU FOR TAKING PART!