SCVO Voluntary and Community Sector CYP Forum May 6, 2014 Independent Chair SSCB: Dr Jenifer Harding.


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Presentation transcript:

SCVO Voluntary and Community Sector CYP Forum May 6, 2014 Independent Chair SSCB: Dr Jenifer Harding

What is Safeguarding? Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is: o protecting children from maltreatment and harm; o preventing impairment of children's health or development; o ensuring children have safe and effective care; o taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes. From ‘Working Together to Safeguard Children 2013’ May 2014JAH - SSCB - VCS CYPF2

Why is Safeguarding important? Statutory – must do it; Children are protected by law; If a child needs help, every day matters; Take action as early as possible; Early Help is more effective at promoting welfare than reacting later on ‘Safeguarding Children is everyone’s responsibility’ May 2014JAH - SSCB - VCS CYPF3

Sandwell Safeguarding Children Board (SSCB) Statutory and Independent Makes sure that everyone in Sandwell works together to safeguard children (keep children safe); Scrutinises and challenges; Asks the ‘why’ question; Includes Council, health services, CCG, community services, police, probation, Youth Offending Team, schools, voluntary sector May 2014JAH - SSCB - VCS CYPF4

SSCB Focus Quality Multi-agency training Promoting partnership working Learning from (serious) case reviews Campaigns: shaken baby, safe sleeping, dog and household safety Neglect – noticing and acting Suicide and self harm prevention ‘Hearing’ children without words May 2014JAH - SSCB - VCS CYPF5

SSCB Priorities Experiences of CYP Learning and Improvement Child Sexual Exploitation Think Family and Neglect Thresholds May 2014JAH - SSCB - VCS CYPF6

What SSCB does…….. Learning from case reviews: 2011 Threshold guidance not working Writes policy and procedures: New Multiagency Thresholds Guidance Provides multiagency training: This Training for new Thresholds Quality assurance: Audits to see if new Threshold guidance and training effective May 2014JAH - SSCB - VCS CYPF7

Thresholds matrix windscreen Universal needs Universal Plus children with additional needs Targeted additional needs Complex/ Significant needs Children/young people and family Needs can increase and decrease Eligibility for children’s social care Early help assessment Safeguarding Children in Need assessment (S17) Child Protection (S47) Looked After Children May 2014JAH - SSCB - VCS CYPF8

Discussion…. If it is not good enough for our children, it’s not good enough for Sandwell children How can we work together? What can SSCB do to help you? May 2014JAH - SSCB - VCS CYPF9