Personality Types Dr. Safaa
Minute to Think A Man, with a bag, found dead in the forest and there was no sign of people or wild animals. How the man died
Source of Energy Introverted X Extroverted How to collect information Sensor X intuitive How to take decision Feeler X Thinker Life Style Judger X Perceiver
Source of Energy
How to collect information Sensor (S) They collect information through using the five senses. Sensing is about being literal, concrete and practical, noticing “what is” as opposed to what “could be.” It is about remembering, cataloging and recalling, often with great detail, a wide variety of experiences and information
How to collect information Intuitive (N) It is about understanding, exploring, creating patterns, noticing relationships, and imagining new possibilities. It is a sixth sense that involves an unconscious awareness of facts, events, happenings, and the whole of experience to produce insights about complex relationships, concepts, future possibilities, and trends.
How to take decision Feeler(F) It is about being open to emotions, sensations, needs, and thoughts. It is about being subjective, valuing the conclusions that arise from within. The Feeling mind desires harmony, values being attached rather than being detached, and is sensitive to one’s inner self as well as sensitive to others and their needs. It is directed and guided by emotion - without the need to analyze or understand why.
How to take decision Thinker(T) It is about order and organization, being objective, able to discriminate, and using logic. Thinking preference people naturally seek to understand cause and effect. Thinking is about principles and well organized Foundations for beliefs. It is the engine that devises strategies and creates organized, conceptual structures.
Life Style Judgers (J) Judgers tend to create an environment that is structured, scheduled, ordered, planned and controlled. They plan their work and work their plan. They tend to lead organized lives, have organized desks, files, homes, cars. They work, then play.
Life Style Perceivers (P) Perceivers create an environment that is flexible, spontaneous, adaptive and responsive. They tend to keep collecting new information rather than making decisions. They usually have offices that look chaotic. They are more flexible, enjoy the unexpected, and take change in their stride. They work and play at the same time
Guess How can Introverted & Extroverted learn best ?
Introverted learners Individual learning Reading & summarizing Writing & criticizing Intellectual activities Using computer, labs Individual projects
Extroverted Learners Cooperative learning Problem solving Role –play Discussion Interviews Field trips
extroverted learnersIntroverted learners InitiatingReceiving ExpressiveReflective ParticipativeContained Change the worldUnderstand
Sensing: They learn best through concrete experience. Start with known things move to abstract ones Intuition : They learn best through inspiration, imagination. Start with concept before practice
IntuitionSensing AbstractConcrete ImaginativeRealistic TheoreticalExperimental OriginalTraditional
Thinking : They learn best through clear, logical materials and analyzing experience. Feeling : They learn best through personal relationships- issues and causes that are important.
FeelingThinking EmpatheticLogical AcceptingCritical CaringTough Warm-heartCool-head
Judging: They learn best through organized instruction (step by step) Perceiving: They learn best through new and different opportunities and exploration
PerceivingJudging CasualSystematic Open EndedScheduled Pressure PromptedEarly Starter SpontaneousOrganized
Who is the most successful language Learner: Introverted or Extroverted ? Why ?