MGS 4560 Small Business Management Wednesday, 4:30 – 7:00 PM General Classroom #431 Instructor: Gary Giles
Name Major, expected graduation date Area of town you live Full-Time or Part-Time Student Work Experience Big Company / Small Company Choose one of the following I think I would be a good small business owner because... Name of someone you know that owns a small business; name of the business; describe the business. Share an idea for a new business that you’ve contemplated. I would be a good team member on a group project because... Personal Introduction
Name Year Full-Time or Part-Time Student Work Experience Alternative address (if needed) A recent picture of yourself Send me an by 5:00 PM - Monday, August 27 th with the following information First Assignment
Class website: TBD Administrative Stuff Text Essentials of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management (5th Edition), Thomas W. Zimmerer, Norman M. Scarborough (Prentice Hall), Academic Dishonesty Contact Info: Phone: (Cell) The syllabus provides a general plan for the course. Changes will be announced in class.
Grading Pop Quizzes20% Business Model/Strategies 10% Small Business Topic Presentation10% Small Business Issue Repor15% Small Business Issue Presentation15% Class Contribution 15% Exam 15% Total100% Grading
Grading Scale A+97.5% and above A93% and Above A-90% and Above B+87.5% and Above B83% and above B-80% and Above C+77.5% and Above C73% and Above C-70% and Above FBelow 70% Scale
Team Projects Each team will contain 5 students Team will have 3 assignments and collaborate on in-class exercises Peer evaluations Team roster must be submitted by end of class on Sept 5 th Instructor will meet with teams during class to assess progress and answer questions