Unit 1 Topic 1.4.6
Must learn: What is recruitment and training Should learn: The purpose of recruitment and training and how it is delivered by businesses Could learn: To evaluate how effective it is to motivating staff to ensure business success
Write down in order what you think is the recruitment process:- 1.Advertising the job
Choose 1 of the following 4 jobs and create an effective job advert - You have 20 minutes - 1.Marketing Executive 2.Business Studies Teacher 3.Small Business Advisor 4.Human Resource Manager
What is an application form? ◦ A form you fill in when applying for a job, placement, course, service etc Types of Job Application ◦ Paper Applications- traditional method ◦ Apply Online via Job Sites- e.g. monster, total jobs ◦ Apply Online via Company Web Site- e.g. McDonalds, Cadburys ◦ Job Applications Via - When applying for jobs via , write your cover letter in the body of an message. Make sure you include a signature with your address and phone number. Include the title of the position you are applying for in the subject line of your message.
CV is an abbreviation of curriculum vitae. This is a document that the applicant writes. It gives the main details about the applicant such as name, address, qualification and experience.
Sort the 10 recruitment steps into the correct order – annotate the steps to explain what happens in each stage ndex.php?option=com_content&view=article &id=2&Itemid=8
Note: The video clips are in electronic version of business book page:108
These include:- Appointments & Training Staff Protection at Work Leaving Work Other Rights
1. Appointing & training staff ◦ Workers CANNOT be discriminated on the basis of age, sex, race or disability. 2. Protection at work ◦ People must be paid the same for doing the same job. ◦ Wages must be paid regularly (as stated in their contact). ◦ Staff must receive their holiday entitlement. ◦ Employees are protected under Health & Safety laws and have rights around joining trade unions.
3. Leaving work ◦ Protection against unfair dismissal. ◦ Workers may also be entitled to a pension if they have made pension contributions. 4. Other rights ◦ Small businesses can be more greatly affected by laws than larger firms. For example, women are allowed time off to have children and their posts musts be held. This could create difficulties for firms employing 2 or 3 people. ◦ EU Law – The Working Time Directive outlines the numbers of hours people can be expected to work over a period of time.
Race Relations Act Sex Discrimination Act Disability Discrimination Act Employment Equality (Age) Regulations Equal Pay Act Employment Protection Act TASK 2: In your groups, discuss how these laws may impact on employers and employees.
index.php?option=com_content&view=article &id=2&Itemid=8 index.php?option=com_content&view=article &id=2&Itemid=8
Research and identify the employment laws that affect most businesses and say why these laws are in place. Use this website: -