Cell Structures Review
Cell Wall / Cell Membrane
Cell Membrane
Surrounds all cells Allows nutrients in and waste out Contains pores to allow the materials to pass in/out = semipermeable Double-layered
Cytoplasm Cell Membrane Cytoplasm
Cytoplasm Clear (colorless) Gel like Continually in motion Mostly made of water
Nucleus Cell Membrane Cytoplasm Nucleus Nuclear membrane
Nucleus Largest and most visible organelle Covered by a membrane (nuclear membrane) to separate it from the rest of the cell Control center of a cell
Chromosomes Cell Membrane Cytoplasm Nucleus Chromosomes Nuclear membrane
Chromosomes Contains chromosomes – threadlike structures made of DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid Genes – section of chromosome which gives you your traits Two chromosomes with the same trait – homologous pair One chromosome came from mom/one from dad
Genes Section of a chromosome That determines your traits Gene
Chromosomes Cell Membrane Cytoplasm Nucleus Chromosomes Homologous pair
Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) Two areas Rough – contains ribosomes Smooth – no ribosomes Breaks down drugs that could damage the cell
Endoplasmic reticulum (cont.) The internal delivery system – it is like a road where a delivery truck moves packages Look like folds of cloth UPS
Mitochondria Cell Membrane Cytoplasm Nucleus Chromosomes Homologous pair Mitochondria
Mitochondria Hot dog-shaped organelle Food changes into energy (ATP) Surrounded by two membranes Works only with oxygen present (comes from breathing)
Mitochondria (continued) More mitochondria = more energy Heart has many mitochondria
Ribosomes Produces proteins (proteins necessary for life processes) Smallest organelle Present in all cells Not covered by a membrane
Diagram of an Animal Cell Cell Membrane Cytoplasm Nucleus Nuclear membrane Homologous pair Chromosome Mitochondria Lysosome Golgi Body Ribosomes
Cell Wall Cell Membrane Cell Wall
Located outside the cell membrane Found in plants Gives strength (rigid) so plant stands up Made of fibers of cellulose Also contains pores to allow materials to pass in/out
Chloroplasts Video
Chloroplasts Cell Membrane Cell Wall Chloroplasts
Chloroplasts Converts energy from the sun Contains chlorophyll – a green chemical used to trap sunlight Makes sugar by a process called photosynthesis
Diagram of a Plant Cell Nucleus Nuclear membrane Chromosome Homologous pair Mitochondria Cell Membrane Cytoplasm Cell Wall Chloroplasts
Golgi complex Packaging center Packages proteins to be shipped out of cell Looks like ER but is closer to cell membrane
Vacuole Store water and other liquids Vacuoles in lettuce that are full help to make it crisp Vacuoles in roses and violets have colorful liquids to make their color Vacuoles in oranges and other fruits make them juicy
Lysosomes Digest food particles Digest worn-out organelles Get rid of waste materials Protect against foreign invaders If the membrane breaks the enzymes kill the cell