Nutrition Log Assignment 8 th Grade Health
Essential Question How do my diet and exercise affect me?
Enduring Understanding Students will understand that what they eat, how much they eat, and the amount of exercise and type of exercise affects their health in many ways.
Do Now Log onto your computer Go to Wait for further instructions
Choose My Plate Select “Analyze my diet”
Choose My Plate Next, select “Assess Your Food Intake”
Register Click the second word “here” to register
Register ONLY fill in User ID, Password, and Confirm Password Your username should be the first initial of your first name and your last name If this is not available, try adding the number 1 at the end (atucker111) DO NOT fill in any additional fields Write down your User ID and Password in your health notebook!!
Personal Information Enter your age, gender, height, and weight IMPORTANT: Change the entry date to the first day of your Food Log – 10/10/11 Save Today’s Changes (same screen will reappear) then Proceed to Food Intake
Assess Your Food Intake Enter the name of the first food from your Nutrition Log (Breakfast or Lunch Monday) Find the best match and select “Add”
Assess Your Food Intake Food will appear on the left under food you’ve eaten Click “Select Quantity” First, select serving size, then number of servings (if you’re not sure, give your best guess) Click “Enter Foods” to search for your next item
Assess Your Food Intake Once you have entered all food/drinks from 10/10/11, select “Save & Analyze” Select ??? and you will receive a breakdown of your food intake per food group PRINT FOR EACH DAY
Assess Your Physical Activity After you’ve printed your nutrition analysis from 10/10/11, select the “Physical Activity Entry” bubble
Assess Your Physical Activity Use the drop down menu to select an activity type and click “Select” to give you a variety of options for a given activity
Assess Your Physical Activity You can also enter a search term, such as “soccer” to find a specific activity Click “Select Duration” to enter total minutes for each activity
Assess Your Physical Activity Once you have entered all physical activity and the duration, select “Save & Analyze”
Assess Your Physical Activity Select “Calculate your Physical Activity Score”
Assess Your Food Intake & Physical Activity Select the “Update Profile” bubble at the top of the screen This will take you back to the screen with your personal information, where you will change the date to 10/11/11 and begin adding food/drink and physical activity from Tuesday Repeat until you’ve added all food/drink and physical activity from your log