Common Core Georgia Performance Standards Making Challenging Texts Accessible, K-12 Part 2: Understanding the Complexity of Complex Text Cynde Snider.


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Presentation transcript:

Common Core Georgia Performance Standards Making Challenging Texts Accessible, K-12 Part 2: Understanding the Complexity of Complex Text Cynde Snider

Essential Question How can I be sure the texts I select are at an appropriate level of complexity for my students? 3

Learning Target I can use specific descriptors to determine whether a text is appropriately complex. 4

What Makes a Text Complex 1.Subtle and/or frequent transitions 2.Multiple and/or subtle themes and purposes 3.Density of information 4.Unfamiliar settings, topics, or events 5.Lack of repetition, overlap, or similarity in words and sentences 6.Complex sentences 7.Uncommon vocabulary 8.Lack of words, sentences, or paragraphs that review or pull things together for the student 9.Longer paragraphs 10.Any text structure that is less narrative and/or mixes structures 11.Use of passive voice Source: Liben, D. (May 9, 2012). 5

Determining Appropriately Complex Texts Number of possible combinations of 11 features—2036 Text may lack complexity on a number of features, while the complexity of one or two features deems it appropriate for a specific grade band Determining appropriately complex texts provides powerful professional learning for grade band teachers 6

Using Descriptors for Reliability & Validity Georgia’s Text Complexity Rubric —handout #1 Qualitative Measures Rubrics —handout #2 Qualitative Dimensions Tool —handout #3 Other resources: Handouts 4 and 5: Qualitative Features of Complex Texts and AUSSIE’s NYC DOE Text Complexity Rubrics

CCGPS Text Complexity Rubric

Text Complexity Rubric with Descriptors

Applying the Process 1.Meet collaboratively with teacher peers 2.Randomly select passages from a text 3.Use text complexity descriptors to gauge level of complexity 4.Transfer information to CCGPS rubric

from A Beginner’s Guide to Text Complexity AUSSIE, NYCDOE Secondary Literacy Pilot

Learning Target I can use specific descriptors to determine whether a text is appropriately complex. 12

Essential Question How can I be sure the texts I select are at an appropriate level of complexity for my students? 13

Resources—Text Complexity AUSSIE. A beginner’s guide to text complexity. NYCDOE Secondary Literacy Project. Liben, D. (May 9, 2012). Transitioning to the Common Core State Standards: Making your efforts effective through a focus on text complexity demands. ASCD: Webinar. Retrieved from Text complexity. Common Core State Standards Initiative. Retrieved from quality-and-complexity/measuring-text-complexity-three-factors/. quality-and-complexity/measuring-text-complexity-three-factors/ Shanahan, T., Fisher, D., & Frey, N. (March, 2012). “The challenge of challenging text.” Educational Leadership Vol. 69, No. 6, pp Retrieved from educational-leadership/mar12/vol69/num06/The-Challenge-of-Challenging- Text.aspx?utm_source=ascdexpress&utm_medium= &utm_campaign=express721http:// educational-leadership/mar12/vol69/num06/The-Challenge-of-Challenging- Text.aspx?utm_source=ascdexpress&utm_medium= &utm_campaign=express721 14

Cynde Snider Georgia Department of Education