By Luisa and Noriko
Description of class Language Proficiency level: low intermediate Class size: 12 students Age: 15 to 25 Native Language background: varied Class needs or goals: pronunciation practice of th sound: voiced and voiceless
Objectives To enhance students’ motivation in pronunciation skills. To provide students with opportunities to use the sound /th/ in various activities (from controlled to communicative ones). To provide students with enough input so that they can make a distinction among the sounds /th/, /t/, and /s/. To facilitate students’ communication skills by improving the pronunciation of /th/, /t/, and /s/.
Procedure 1 Explanation of the place of articulation of the sounds /th/, voiced and voiceless by using the side and front views of the mouth
Procedure 2 Comparison of the front and side views of /th/ with /t/ and /d/
Comparison of /th/ sound with /s/ and /z/
Use of the software Pronunciation Power 1- Practice of the pronunciation of the sounds /th/ voiceless and voiced 2- Play the side view animation 3- Play the front view video 4- Record the sound /th/ and compare the student’s waveform with the instructor’s one
5- Exercises: Sample words - Repetition of group of words - record yourself saying the words Comparative word - Practice of words with similar sounds- (choral repetition) - Individual recording of difficult words
Listening Discrimination Practice of recognition of a word in a sentence 1- Pair work: - Students listen to the sentences and negotiate the correct answer
Sentences Practice of sentences: link the pronunciation of a sound with normal speech Game: 1- Split up students into two groups: A/B 2- Give 5 sentences to each group
3- Students practice how to pronounce the sentences correctly and fluently 4- Each group presents the 5 sentences orally P.S. The group which presents the 5 sentences correctly wins the game