Fostering Beginning EFL Writing Victor Shen, STUST May 2015
Questions and Issues? What is writing? How does writing competence develop? How is writing competence related to listening, reading, and speaking competences? What are the objectives of writing instruction at the elementary level?
Questions and Issues? What can students write by themselves? What can they do in writing tasks when assisted? What’s your students’ general attitude toward writing tasks/assignments? How can writing activities be enjoyable? How is writing taught in your school? In your class? How should writing be taught in the elementary school in Taiwan?
Resources Chang, F. C., Chang, S. I., & Hsu, H. F. (2008). Interactive writing with webbing activities in Taiwan’s primary classrooms. In Y. N. Leung, H. Chang, & K. C. Cheung (Eds.), Selected Papers from the Seventeenth International Symposium on English Teaching (pp ). Taipei, Taiwan: Crane. Chang, F. C., Chang, S. I., & Hsu, S. F. (2008). Writing activities as stimuli for integrating four language skills in EFL grade-one classes in Taiwan. English Teaching & Learning, 32(3), Chang, F.C., Chang, S.I., & Hsu, H.F. (2010). Emergent writing in Taiwan’s grade-one EFL classes. Taiwan Journal of TESOL, 7(1),
Moon Festival (John 1)
Moon Festival (John 2)
Moon Festival (John 3)
Moon Festival (John 4)
Moon Festival (John 5)
4-1-1 能書寫印刷體大小寫字母。 能書寫自己的姓名。 能臨摹抄寫課堂中習得的詞彙。 能臨摹抄寫課堂中習得的句子。 能拼寫一些基本常用字詞(至少一百八 十個)。 能依圖示填寫重要字詞。 能掌握英文書寫格式寫出簡單的句子。 英語能力指標:國小階段(寫)
延續國小階段的基礎,繼續發展以下各項能力: 能填寫簡單的表格及資料等。 能依提示合併、改寫及造句。 能寫簡單的賀卡、書信(含電子郵件) 等。 *4-2-4 能依提示書寫簡短的段落。 英語能力指標:國中階段(寫)
Categories of Written Products
Codes Used by Beginning Writers
Types of Word Writing
Phase One: Free Drawing/Writing (September, 2006 ~ February, 2007) The free drawing/writing activity took place in a cycle of two weeks. In the first week the students drew/wrote freely followed by sharing with leveled instruction in the next week. The cycle was repeated nine times within the first semester.
Phase Two:Structured-Web Writing (February, 2007 ~ June, 2008) Fixed-Structured-Web Group Writing (February, 2007~March, 2007) –Share the Pen (with brainstorming) –Group Writing –Sharing with Leveled Instruction 1) letter(s) in bubbles (e.g., b, r_, p_k), 2) words of invented spelling (e.g., rad for red, blak for black) in bubbles, 3) words of conventional spellings in bubbles, 4) letters/words in bubbles and blanks.
Phase Two:Structured-Web Writing (February, 2007 ~ June, 2008) Structured-Web Individual Writing (April, 2007~ June, 2008 ) –Share the Pen (brainstorming) –Individual Writing –Sharing with Leveled Instruction 1) letter(s) in bubbles (e.g., b, r_, p_k), 2) words of invented spelling (e.g., rad for red, blak for black) in bubbles, 3) words of conventional writing in bubbles, 4) words/phrases and/or sentences of one single sentence pattern (e.g., all the sentences are of This is… pattern), and 5) words/phrases and/or sentences of more than one sentence pattern (e.g., the sentences are of This is… and I see… patterns). As the students’ writing progressed, two more categories were added to the above five categories; they were 6) paragraph-like writing and 7) sentences of affirmative and interrogative and/or paired Q&A sentences.