Round 1Round 2 Ultimate QuestionJeffersonsMadisonsJacksons
President Jefferson Mr. Madison’s Wa r Era of Era of Good Feelings $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $300 $400 $500 Supreme Court Old Hickory $300 $100 Native Ameri- cans $200 $300 $400 $500
Answer Scoreboard$100 Candidate Jackson was “robbed” of the presidency in 1824 due to this alleged backroom deal between J. Q. Adams and Henry Clay.
the “Corrupt Bargain?” What is the “Corrupt Bargain?” $100 Scoreboard
This new trend in voting resulted in millions of common people voting for the “Hero of the West” in Answer$200 Scoreboard
the New Democracy? What is the New Democracy? $200 Scoreboard
These two issues were the biggest of Jackson’s presidency. Answer$300 Scoreboard
What were: the Nullifcation Crisis and the killing of the BUS? $300 Scoreboard
With this new policy, if you voted for “King Andrew I,” he’d hook you up with government offices. Answer$400 Scoreboard
Spoils System? What was the Spoils System? $400 Scoreboard
This VP told Andy, “I resign”, due to the Tariff of Answer$500 Scoreboard
John C. Calhoun? Who is John C. Calhoun? $500 Scoreboard
Jefferson’s electoral victory in 1800 is known by this nickname. Answer$100 Scoreboard
“Revolution of 1800?” What is the “Revolution of 1800?” $100 Scoreboard
Jefferson got this from Napoleon for only $15 million. Answer$200 Scoreboard
Louisiana Territory? What is the Louisiana Territory? $200 Scoreboard
Jefferson belonged to this political party. Answer$300 Scoreboard
Republicans (Democratic- Republicans)? What are the Republicans (Democratic- Republicans)? $300 Scoreboard
This act infuriated the Federalists when the U.S. isolated itself economically from the world in Answer$400 Scoreboard
Embargo Act? What is the Embargo Act? $400 Scoreboard
Jefferson succeeded in winning this war in North Africa with the help of the “Mosquito Fleet.” Answer$500 Scoreboard
Tripolitan War? What is the Tripolitan War? $500 Scoreboard
Answer This Federalist was the most important Chief Justice in U.S. History. $100 Scoreboard
John Marshall? Who is John Marshall? $100 Scoreboard
This supremely important decision resulted in the establishment of judicial review. Answer$200 Scoreboard
What is Marbury v. Madison (1803)? $200 Scoreboard
This 1824 “steamboat case” decision declared that only Congress had the right to regulate interstate commerce. Answer$300 Scoreboard
Gibbons vs. Ogden? What is Gibbons vs. Ogden? $300 Scoreboard
Place a bet between $100 to $1000 (or higher if you have more money) Question
The Taney court ruled in this 1837 decision that monopolies for internal improvements were unconstitutional. Answer$400 Scoreboard
What is the Charles River Bridge case (Charles River Co. vs. Warren Bridge Co.)? $400 Scoreboard
This 1819 decision declared that the Bank of the United States was constitutional. Answer$500 Scoreboard
McCullough v. Maryland? What is McCullough v. Maryland? $500 Scoreboard
These young westerners pushed Madison into war with their desire to conquer Canada. Answer$100 Scoreboard
War Hawks? Who are the War Hawks? $100 Scoreboard
This “unnecessary” battle gave Americans great pride when Jackson whipped the British in Answer$200 Scoreboard
Battle of New Orleans? What is the Battle of New Orleans? $200 Scoreboard
. This treaty ended the war with the pre-war status quo being restored. Answer$300 Scoreboard
Treaty of Ghent (1814)? What is the Treaty of Ghent (1814)? $300 Scoreboard
This 1814 meeting ruined the Federalists as they were now seen as traitors. Answer$400 Scoreboard
Hartford Convention? What is the Hartford Convention? $400 Scoreboard
This event triggered U.S. demands for war in 1807 when the British damaged a U.S. naval ship. Answer$500 Scoreboard
Chesapeake- Leopard Affair? What is the Chesapeake- Leopard Affair? $500 Scoreboard
He was the president during the “Era of Good Feelings.” Answer$100 Scoreboard
James Monroe? Who is James Monroe? $100 Scoreboard
Clay’s program for higher tariffs, a BUS and federally funded internal improvements was referred to by this term. Answer$200 Scoreboard
“American System?” What is the “American System?” $200 Scoreboard
The slavery issue was sparked in 1819 by the proposed Tallmadge Amendment but was resolved by this agreement. Answer$300 Scoreboard
Missouri Compromise (1820)? What is the Missouri Compromise (1820)? $300 Scoreboard
Answer$400 A depression that ensued due to overspeculation on land was known by this term. Scoreboard
Panic of 1819?” What is the “Panic of 1819?” $400 Scoreboard
Answer$500 This 1823 U.S. proclamation, written by Secretary of State John Quincy Adams, warned Europeans that no new colonies would be allowed in the Western Hemisphere. Scoreboard
Monroe Doctrine (1823)? What is the Monroe Doctrine (1823)? $500 Scoreboard
The removal of thousands of Amerindians from the southeast to Oklahoma is often referred to by this term. Answer$100 Scoreboard
Trail of Tears? What is the Trail of Tears? $100 Scoreboard
In 1830, Jackson urged Congress to pass this act in order to relocate Amerindians in the southeast to the West. Answer$200 Scoreboard
Indian Removal Act? What is the Indian Removal Act? $200 Scoreboard
The U.S. removed this tribe from Florida only after suffering the bloodiest Indian war in American history. Answer$300 Scoreboard
Seminoles? Who are the Seminoles? $300 Scoreboard
Answer$400 This Supreme Court case declared that the Cherokee were not a sovereign foreign nation, but rather a domestic one. Scoreboard
Cherokee Nation vs. Georgia, 1831? What is Cherokee Nation vs. Georgia, 1831? $400 Scoreboard
Answer$500 This 1832 conflict was the last in the Old Northwest: the area was now free of Amerindians. Scoreboard
Black Hawk War? What is the Black Hawk War? $500 Scoreboard
Whigs Expansion Sectional -ism $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 $600 $800 $1000 Tariffs Jackson Redux $600 Grab Bag $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000
Henry Clay and his followers hated Jackson much that they created this official party in 1834 to oppose him. Answer$200 Scoreboard
Whig Party What is the Whig Party $200 Scoreboard
This embarrassing episode divided Jackson’s cabinet when he ordered it to be nice to the secretary of war’s wife. Answer$400 Scoreboard
Peggy Eaton Affair? What is the Peggy Eaton Affair? $400 Scoreboard
Jackson inadvertently hurt western farmers when he issued this hard money policy. Answer$600 Scoreboard
Specie Circular? What is the Specie Circular? $600 Scoreboard
President Van Buren paid for Jackson’s economic policies when this economic catastrophe happened early in his presidency. Answer$800 Scoreboard
Panic of 1837? What is the Panic of 1837? $800 Scoreboard
This sarcastic term was coined for Jackson’s unofficial meetings with non- cabinet members. Answer$1000 Scoreboard
Kitchen Cabinet?” What is the “Kitchen Cabinet?” $1000 Scoreboard
The Whigs were essentially based around this economic program— the brainchild of Clay. Answer$200 Scoreboard
“American System?” What is the “American System?” $200 Scoreboard
This war hero from the War of 1812 couldn’t defeat Van Buren in 1836, but he won the rematch in 1840 with his “Log Cabin and Hard Cider” campaign. Answer$400 Scoreboard
William Henry Harrison? Who is William Henry Harrison? $400 Scoreboard
$600 Before the Whigs adopted their name in 1834 they were known by this name between 1828 and Answer Scoreboard
National Republican party? What is the National Republican party? $600 Scoreboard
The Whigs were fiercely opposed to this banking system, first signed by President Van Buren in Answer$800 Scoreboard
Independent Treasury System? What is the Independent Treasury System? $800 Scoreboard
The Whigs were the political descendants of this defunct political party. Answer$1000 Scoreboard
Federalist Party? What is the Federalist Party? $1000 Scoreboard
Answer This state nullified the tariff of 1832, claiming it wasn’t low enough. $200 Scoreboard
What is South Carolina? $200 Scoreboard
This was the first truly protective tariff in U.S. history. Answer$400 Scoreboard
Tariff of 1816? What was the Tariff of 1816? $400 Scoreboard
The first federal tariff in U.S. history was the brainchild of this Founding Father. Answer$600 Scoreboard
Alexander Hamilton? Who is Alexander Hamilton? $600 Scoreboard
This 1828 tariff was so high that southerners gave it this pejorative name. Answer$800 Scoreboard
$800 Tariff of Abominations” “Black Tariff”)? What is the “Tariff of Abominations” (or the “Black Tariff”)? Scoreboard
The tariff of 1833, which ended the nullification crisis was the brainchild of this Kentucky senator. Answer$1000 Scoreboard
Henry Clay? Who is Henry Clay? $1000 Scoreboard
This was the greatest land deal in American history. Answer$200 Scoreboard
Louisiana Purchase? What is the Louisiana Purchase? $200 Scoreboard
Place a bet between $200 to $2000 (or higher if you have more money) Question
As a general, Jackson invaded this territory in 1819, resulting in its acquisition by the Adams-Onis Treaty. Answer$400 Scoreboard
Florida? What is Florida? $400 Scoreboard
This treaty with Britain established a long border from the Great Lakes to Lake of the Woods in Minnesota. Answer$600 Scoreboard
Convention of 1818? What is the Convention of 1818? $600 Scoreboard
The U.S. gained the world’s longest unfortified border with Canada as a result of this 1817 treaty with Britain. Answer$800 Scoreboard
Rush-Bagot Treaty? What is the Rush-Bagot Treaty? $800 Scoreboard
The U.S. removed the Shawnee Confederation from the Ohio Valley as a result of this battle in 1811 (where Tecumseh was defeated). Answer$1000 Scoreboard
Battle of Tippecanoe? What is the Battle of Tippecanoe? $1000 Scoreboard
This 1820 compromise demonstrated the emerging sectionalism over the issue of slavery. Answer$200 Scoreboard
Missouri Compromise? What is the Missouri Compromise? $200 Scoreboard
This party, particularly strong in New England, reflected the mounting sectionalism resulting from the Embargo Act and the War of Answer$400 Scoreboard
Federalist Party? What is the Federalist Party? $400 Scoreboard
This South Carolinian anonymously wrote the South Carolina Exposition supporting the idea of nullification. Answer$600 Scoreboard
John C. Calhoun? Who is John C. Calhoun? $600 Scoreboard
Answer$800 This 1830 debate in the Senate over the issue of nullification was one of the most famous in the history of Congress. Scoreboard
Webster-Hayne Debate? What is the Webster-Hayne Debate? $800 Scoreboard
Place a bet between $200 to $2000 (or higher if you have more money) Question
Answer$1000 This toast in 1830 demonstrated the mounting conflict between Jackson and Calhoun. Scoreboard
$1000 Jefferson Day Toast? What is the Jefferson Day Toast? Scoreboard
This was the first third party in U.S. history, running a candidate in Answer$200 Scoreboard
Anti-Masonic Party? What is the Anti-Masonic Party? $200 Scoreboard
This vice president killed Alexander Hamilton in a duel in Answer$400 Scoreboard
Aaron Burr? Who is Aaron Burr? $400 Scoreboard
Jeffersonians were unsuccessful in removing this Federalist judge from the Supreme Court, although they did impeach him. Answer$600 Scoreboard
Samuel Chase? Who is Samuel Chase? $600 Scoreboard
Answer$800 President Jefferson kept all of Hamilton’s financial plan intact, except for this. Scoreboard
excise tax on whiskey? What is the excise tax on whiskey? $800 Scoreboard
Answer$1000 As President Jefferson’s secretary of the treasury, this Frenchman lowered the national debt. Scoreboard
Albert Gallatin? Who is Albert Gallatin? $1000 Scoreboard
Make your wager Category: New Democracy Question Scoreboard
This new election practice replaced the caucus system and was first used by the National Republicans and Anti- Masons in Ultimate Question Answer Scoreboard
national nominating convention? What is the national nominating convention? Back to Question Ultimate Question Scoreboard