Ordering and Comparing Integers, Decimals, and Fractions
Number Line Method Step 1 - Plot each number on the number line. Step 2 - Write the numbers starting at the left most point moving right along the number line.
Example: Order the following from least to greatest: 5, -1, 0, -9, 3, 2, -7
Stack Method (decimals only) Step 1 - Place all the numbers one on top of each other with the decimal points lined up. Step 2 - Determine the most decimal places any one number has. Step 3 - Add zeros to the end of the other numbers until all the numbers have the same amount of decimal places as determined in step 2.
Stack Method cont… Step 4 - Read the numbers as if they did not have decimal places. Step 5 – Write the original numbers down in the designated order.
Example: Order the following from greatest to least: 2.03, 2.37, 2.038, 2.33, 2.033
Common Denominator Method (fractions only) Step 1 – Find the fraction with the largest denominator. Step 2 – Check to see if the other denominators will divide evenly into that denominator. If yes, it is your common denominator move to step 5. Step 3 – If no, find the first few multiples of the largest denominator. Step 4 – Check to see if the other denominators will divide evenly into the multiples starting with the first one. The first multiple that all the denominators divide evenly into will be your common denominator.
Common Denominator Method cont… Step 5 – Create equivalent fractions of the original fractions by multiplying by the appropriate representation of 1 ( ,etc.) Step 6 – Compare numerators and order them as designated. Step 7 – Simplify the equivalent fractions back to their original form.
Example: Order the following from least to greatest
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