The Age of Jackson Chapter 7 Section 3
Election of 1824 John Quincy Adams vs. Andrew Jackson (Old Hickory) Jackson wins popular vote, but neither gets majority in Electoral College “Corrupt Bargain” - Henry Clay helps sway House of Reps toward Adams and is anointed Secretary of State for his aid to the new President
Election of 1828 During Adams Presidency, states loosened voting requirements Election of 1828 – Jackson wins Presidency in a landslide Jackson used campaign speeches Called Adams an “Elitist” When Jackson goes to White House and ordinary citizens “party” and trash the place
Spoils System Appointees to Gov. jobs serve 4 year terms to prevent “corruption” Spoils system – “To the victor go the spoils” Throw out officeholders and replace with friends Close friends became known as Jackson’s “Kitchen Cabinet” Came into White House through the kitchen Real cabinet had no power
Indian Removal Act of 1830 White settlers wanted Native lands Jackson felt assimilation (making Native become Americanized and live with white) could not work Too many troops needed to keep settlers off Native lands Solution was to move Natives Indian Removal Act of 1830 Fed. Gov. funded state negotiated treaties to move N.A.’s
Worcester v. Georgia (1832) Cherokee wins case where Marshall states, “Georgia has no right to regulate Cherokee nor invade their lands” Jackson states, “John Marshall has made his decision; now let him enforce it.” Cherokee signed Treaty of New Echota Gave Cherokee $5 mil and land west of Miss. River
The Trail of Tears 1838, 20,000 remaining Cherokee forced west by U.S. Army 800 miles, mostly on foot Corrupt Gov. officials stole their money Outlaws stole their livestock ¼ of Cherokee died “Trail” started in Georgia and ended in Oklahoma Land far inferior for living
States’ Rights and the National Bank Chapter 7 Section 3
A Tariff Raises the States’ Rights Issue After the War of 1812, Britain floods U.S. market with cheap goods Tariff of 1816 protects American industry Tariff is increased in 1824 and 1828 South Carolinian, John C. Calhoun (V.P) called 1828 Tariff the Tariff of Abominations Calhoun raised the nullification issue States are sovereign and can declare a federal law null and void or could secede from the nation Jackson opposed this view
South Carolina Rebels Threatened to secede if the Tariffs were enforced Jackson persuaded Congress to pass the Force Bill in 1833 Allowed Fed. Gov. to send military into a state if they refused to follow laws passed by Congress Henry Clay proposes a compromise that reduced the Tariff gradually over 10 yr. per.
Jackson Attacks the National Bank In 1832, Jackson vetoed the re-chartering of the 2nd National Bank He made the people look at the BUS as corrupt Stockholders received interest on government funds Loans to Gov. officials at better rates Jackson had Secretary of Treasury deposit government money into state banks loyal to him. “Pet Banks” In 1836, the bank’s charter ran out It closed in 1841
Whig Party Jackson angered members of his own party Clay, Adams and others created the Whig Party Backed ideals of the American system
Van Buren Deals with Jackson’s Legacy Democrats chose VP Martin Van Buren to run against 3 Whig opponents Van Buren ran into problems because of “Pet Banks” causing inflation and refusal by banks to accept paper currency This caused the Panic of 1837 Developed an independent treasury that used only gold and silver
Harrison and Tyler Election of 1840, Whig nominee William Henry Harrison wins Presidential election A month after his inauguration, Harrison died John Tyler succeeded him as President Tyler was a Southern Whig who went against his own party. He was called, “His Accidency”