Teaching About Thanksgiving!
Pilgrims! The Pilgrims Came to America on the Mayflower! They did not have any food! The Indians Helped them!
The Indians Helped the Pilgrims! The Indians Helped the Pilgrims Learn how to plant corn! The Indians Helped the Pilgrims Learn which berries they could eat. The Indians Showed the Pilgrims how to hunt!
The Pilgrims Were Very Thankful! The Pilgrims were Happy that the Indians Showed them how to Survive! They were happy their plants were growing! The Pilgrims Decided to Cook for the Indians to show their Thanks!
Things the Pilgrims and Indians Ate at Thanksgiving! They ate Turkey, Bread, Corn and Pie! They ate many Fruits and Vegetables!
We Still Celebrate Thanksgiving Today!! Happy Thanksgiving!!