THANKSGIVING DAY Created by Viktor Tkachenko, form 6 «Б» School 1825, Moscow
A ship Mayflower with 120 passengers left Plymouth i on the 6 th of September in because they didn’t believe in the Church of Rome. They left their Motherland for New World. They reached it in nearly nine weeks. It was a very long and hard travel. Most pilgrims died because of disease and cold hungry winter. Indians helped those first settlers and taught them to live in the New World. Their first harvest was so good thanks to the Indians and they decided to celebrate with them. The Pilgrims and the Indians celebrated the first Thanksgiving in The Pilgrims and the Indians created a huge feast including a wide variety of animals and fowl, as well as fruits and vegetables from the fall harvest. Turkey and vegetables are main food nowadays too.
Festivals and Parades
Thankgivings Food
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