by F. Scott Fitzgerald
DO NOW: Choose one or more of these images and fill in the chart. Answer the questions: What does each image show? What the item represent/symbolize?
What is symbolism? ●Allows people to communicate beyond the limits of language; ideas and feelings that are hard to describe can be communicated through a symbol. ●A symbol is a person, place, or object that represents something beyond itself. ●National, religious, and cultural symbols have standard interpretations as well as a personal significance for each individual. ●For example, the American flag symbolizes the United States of America. The personal significance, however, varies. A U.S. army veteran might say the flag means freedom and honor. An anarchist on the other hand, might think the flag represents an oppressive government.
W hat might these images symbolize?
What might the eyes of Dr. T.J. Eckleburg represent/symbolize? Begin by considering what eyes might mean and then consider the context of the eyes - on a giant faded billboard...
What might the green light symbolize? What might the color green mean? What might light mean? Consider the context - Gatsby seems to reach for it...
Recognize symbolism in the text... Nick asks where Jordan is from and Daisy responds, “From Louisville. Our white girlhood was passed together there. Our beautiful white -” (Fitzgerald 19). What does the color white represent here?
Let’s discuss... ●What questions do you have about the plot? ●How do symbols help us to learn more about characters?
Exit Discuss: What symbol are you interested to analyze throughout The Great Gatsby? Why?