Aldine Independent School District The Aldine Independent School District is based in northern Harris County. AISD serves students from Houston, Greenspoint, Airline, Acres Homes, and Inwood Forest. For the school year AISD is projected to have a student body of approximately 63,900 students.
Aldine Independent School District The district is comprised primarily of Hispanic students (69.7%), with African American students (25.7%) being the second most represented population. 84.3% of Aldine’s student population is considered economically disadvantaged and 69.9% are labeled “at risk”.
Raymond Academy for Engineering Raymond Academy is 1 of 34 elementary schools 1605 Connorvale Road Houston, Texas Phone: Fax:
Mission: Raymond Academy for Engineering -If you can dream it, you can build it! -To Build Young Minds to Engineer Our Future!
Increase students use and understanding of academic vocabulary. Improve LEP(Limited English Proficiency) and ESL (English as Second Language) teaching strategies. Increase parent volunteerism. Allocate funds for technology upgrades and train staff on new technology. Raymond Academy’s Goals
Improved resources for bilingual students and teachers. Implement attendance incentives for students and teachers. Encourage collaboration among staff, especially those who work together in the same grade level.
Raymond Academy Students Raymond Academy serves students in Kindergarten through 4 th Grade In the school year Raymond Academy is serving approximately 993 students
Raymond Academy Student Ethnicity Hispanic African- American Caucasian Asian/Pac. Islander 85.9% 8.5%4%0.7%
Student attendance at Raymond Academy is 96.6%.
GradeAverage size Kindergarten20.7 First grade21.3 Second grade19.1 Third grade19.1 Fourth grade18.7 GradePercentage Kindergarten0.6% First grade8.6% Second grade1.0% Third grade7.8% Fourth grade0.0% Average Class SizeRetention Rate *Compared to the District and State, Raymond Academy has higher average class sizes. *Compared to the District and State, Raymond Academy has higher retention rates especially in first and third grade.
Raymond Academy Staff There are 86 staff members at Raymond Academy 59 teachers 11 professional support personnel 3 administrators 13 educational aides Fourteen of these staff members have received an advanced degree in education!!!!
48.1% Caucasian 28.7% Hispanic 19.8% African American 1.7% Asian
Teacher Information On average, teachers at Raymond have 8.6 years of experience, which is higher by 2.4 years when compared to the district data Staff have an average salary of $50,497 The teacher attendance rate is 95.5%
Raymond Administration
Third Grade Fourth Grade
rd Grade TAKS Scores by Ethnicity Group th Grade TAKS Scores by Ethnicity Group
Techno Lab is a class the students of Raymond attend weekly which focuses on real life and hands on applications of engineering concepts. This is chemical engineering in action!
CASE provides a safe, nurturing after school environment with numerous enrichment activities These activities allow the students to grow academically, socially, and physically into productive citizens
Raymond has received many distinctions, awards, and grants including: Magnet Schools of America Excellence Award Americorps Kids Site Award Harris County Department of Education CASE Partnership Grant Award BP A+ for Education Grant
To learn more about Raymond Academy for Engineers visit our website at: