1 INNOVATIONS 2001 Organized by The Clear Lake Council Of Technical Societies (CLCTS) in cooperation with and co-sponsored by CLCTS member organizations AIAA, IEEE, ISA, ISSA and INCOSE Friday, April 27, 2001 at Second Floor Gilruth Center, JSC, Houston Texas
2 James C. Helm Assistant Professor, Systems Engineering School of Natural and Applied Sciences 2700 Bay Area Boulevard Houston, Texas VPN FAX Tailoring RUP Tools for Systems Engineers
3 Overview Risk Management Paradigm functions Risk Statement by Paradigm function Rational Unified Process Rational RequisitePro
4 Risk Management Paradigm
5 Components of Risk Management - 1 Identify search for and locate risks before they become problems Analyze convert risk data into useable information for determining priorities and making decisions Plan translate risk information into planning decisions and mitigating actions (both present and future), and implement those actions
6 Components of Risk Management - 2 Track monitor risk indicators and mitigation actions Control correct for deviations from the risk mitigation plans and decide on future actions Communicate & Document provide information and feedback to the project on the risk activities, current risks, and emerging risks
7 Components of a Risk Statement Condition: a single phrase that identifies possible future problems, and describes current key circumstances, situations, etc. that are causing concern, doubt, anxiety, or uncertainty Consequence: a single phrase or sentence that describes the key, negative outcome(s) of the current conditions Condition Consequence Risk Statement there is a possibility that Given the will occur ;
8 IDENTIFY Risk Information Sheet –Risk Information sheet –Risk Management database Complete: ID Date Identified Risk statement Origin Risk Context
9 ANALYZE Risk Information Sheet Related areas: Priority Probability Impact Timeframe Class
10 PLAN Risk Information Sheet To be completed: Assigned to Mitigation Strategy Contingency plan and trigger Risk Information Sheet Status Status Date Approval Closing Date Closing Rationale Contingency Plan and Trigger Mitigation Strategy Context Statement Origin Probability Impact Timeframe Class Assigned Identified: __/__/__ to: ___/___/___ Priority ID
11 TRACK Risk Information Sheet Completed or Updated: –Priority –Probability –Impact –Timeframe –Status –Status Date
12 CONTROL Risk Information Sheet Completed Items: –Approval –Closing date –Closing rationale –Status
13 Rational Unified Process RUP is a Software Engineering Process A disciplined approach to Project Management, Assigning Tasks, Responsibilities and Configuration Control RUP captures best Software Development practices: 1.Develop SW iteratively 2.Manage requirements 3.Use component-Based architecture 4.Visually model SW 5.Continuously verify SW quality 6.Control Changes to SW
14 Rational RequisitePro Risk Management is critical for project success. Rational RequisitePro provides a common tool for requirements management that can be applied to risk management. Rational RequisitePro provides a framework within which a risk management project can be created.
15 RequisitePro Tips Defining your risk management process Deciding on the type of database to store risks Deciding how to organize RequisitePro projects Creating the RequisitePro project(s) Specifying document types Specifying risks types Specifying risk attributes and default values Setup security Importing existing risk information into RequisitePro Enabling for discussion groups Protecting your risk database
16 RequisitePro Views - RISK
17 Select, Show and Add Risk Properties for the Project
18 Attributes Matrix Views - RISK
19 Traceability Tree View
20 Summary The Risk Information Sheet is key to the success of the Projects life cycle The Risk Information Sheet components must be managed, tracked and controlled Rational RequisitePro provides a common tool that can be applied to Risk Management RequisitePro maintains the Risk Information Sheet components in a databases (ACCESS, SQL Server or Oracle)
21 References Dorofee, A. J.; Walker, J.A.; Alberts, C.J.; Higuera, R. P.; Murphy, R. L.; Williams, R. C., Continuous Risk Management Guidebook, Pittsburg,Pa.: Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, 1996.