Урок английского языка 10 класс Автор учебника Кузовлев В.П. Учитель: Садкова Ф.А. МБОУ «Калиновская средняя общеобразовательная школа»
The Monarch The government Parliament The people has representative functions makes lows revises bills is responsible to the House of Commons determines the state policy elects the House of Commons is the legislative power is the executive power is the official head of state Functions
Right or wrong? 1.The Queen signs the bills. Right 2. The government controls the House of Commons. Wrong 3. The Queen rules the country in fact. Wrong 4. The Prime Minister revises the bills. Wrong 5. The government represents the legislative power. Wrong 6.The House of Lords has the power to delay bills for one year. Right ? ? ? ? ? ?
Government Administration a ministera secretary Parliament Congress the House of Commons the House of Lords the House of Representatives the Senate The Monarch (is not elected) The President (is elected) The MonarchyThe federal republic
Congress Administration The House of representatives (435 members) The Senate (100 members) The PresidentThe Vice President The Cabinet The people elect appoints approve elect The USA
The President Congress The Supreme Court
The President can veto laws passed by Congress Congress can pass laws over the President’s veto by a two thirds majority. The President appoints federal judges.(судьи) The Court can declare(объявить) presidential acts unconstitutional. The Senate must approve the President’s judicial appointments. The Court can declare laws unconstitutional.
1.Who is the head of the executive power in the USA? The Administration 2. Which officials in the USA are elected? The President, Congress 3.Is the President elected directly? Yes 4. Who is the legislative power in the USA? Congress 5. How are ministers called in the USA? Secretaries