Carly Henley Patton.  To deliver planes from, factories to military bases  To be a WAFS (Women’s Auxiliary Ferrying Squadron) a women must be 21 to.


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Presentation transcript:

Carly Henley Patton

 To deliver planes from, factories to military bases  To be a WAFS (Women’s Auxiliary Ferrying Squadron) a women must be 21 to 35, have a minimum of 500 hours of flying time, a commercial license, and a 250 horsepower  Started off as an experimental program but to have more male pilots released for combat duty overseas.  html html

 Everyday was a risk for their own lives  Nearly 350,000 women volunteered, and served in uniform as a: Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps (WAAC); The Navy’s Women Reserve (WAVES); the Marine Corps Women’s Reserve; the Navy Nurse corps; and the Women’s Airforce Service Pilot (WASPS)  Took office and clerical jobs, drove trucks, repaired airplanes, worked as laboratory technicians, rigged parachutes, radio operators and many more jobs..

 Creation of the WAAC  Congress approves the bill to create the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps.  Oveta Culp Hobby is sworn in as the first director.  The first WAAC training schools open.  A Top Secret project called "Battery X" was established utilizing women to crew Antiaircraft Artillery in the Military District of Washington.  WAAC Renamed WAC  The 149th WAAC Post Headquarters Company becomes the first WAAC unit to serve overseas at Allied Forces HQ.  Congresswoman Edith Nourse Rogers introduces legislation to change the name of the WAAC to Women's Army Corps and drop the "auxiliary" affiliation.  WAAC is officially changed to the WAC.  WAC Special Troops are deployed overseas for duty in Italy.  Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASP) established.  ,000 Women Serve in Pacific  More than 5,000 women serve in the Southwest Pacific region from  Army nurses land at Normandy four days after D-Day.

 These artifacts show the relevant time period it would be like to have a license for being a flying pilot, and records they keep

 These include books that were based on true experiences by a women air force pilot, and influenced other women by propaganda

 Here below are newspaper clips that are of women who were the first in the army and all of the sexual comments and prejudice that they received

 html html  female-wwii-pilots-the-original-fly-girls female-wwii-pilots-the-original-fly-girls  education/for-students/ww2-history/at-a- glance/women-in-ww2.html education/for-students/ww2-history/at-a- glance/women-in-ww2.html