A Robust Pulse-triggered Flip-Flop and Enhanced Scan Cell Design Tarun Soni Rajesh Kumar Sunil P. Khatri Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station Good morning everyone, This presentation is on our work – Pulsed Flip Flop and Enhanced scan cell design. This was done in collaberation with Tarun and Dr. Sunil Khatri.
Outline Motivation Scan Design At Speed Scan Testing Launch on Shift (LOS) Launch on Capture (LOC) Enhanced Scan Design Pulse Flip Flops (PFFs) Our Robust PFF Our Pulse based Enhanced Scan Flip Flop (PESFF) Experimental Results Conclusion The agenda of my presentation is as follows. First I will discuss the motivation behind our work that I am going to present . then I will briefly describe scan design and at speed testing. I will go over previous work on pulsed FF. Then I will discuss our proposed PFF and ES Cell design. Finally, I will go over experimental results and conclusion.
Motivation Decreasing process feature sizes increase the probability of defects during the manufacturing process A single faulty transistor or wire can result in a faulty IC Testing required to guarantee fault-free products Design for testability (DFT) Addresses testing issues during the design stage itself so that testing after implementation becomes easier Scan design is the most popular DFT methodology used for sequential circuits As we are moving to advanced technologies, the decrease in feature size increases the probability of faults during the manufacturing process. A single faulty transistor can result in a faulty IC. Hence testing is essential for fault free products. Design for testability is required to take care Of testing issues during the design stage so that testing after implementation(?) becomes easier. Scan Design is the most popular methodology used for sequential circuits.
Scan Design Replace all selected storage elements with scan cells Connect scan cells into scan chains Operated in three modes: Normal mode All test signals are turned off (i.e. SE is held low) Shift mode To shift data into and out of the scan cells (SE held high) Capture mode To capture test response into scan cells (SE is held low) D Q D D Q Q D Q SI 1 CLK SE CLK In the next couple of slides I will briefly discuss scan design. In scan design all storage elements are replaced by scan cells. A scan cell has one mux and one DFF. Depending upon SE signal either D or SI acts as data input for DFF. After replacement scan cells are connected to form scan chains. Scan design operates in three modes – First normal mode – In this mode all test signals are turned off. In shown scan cell, SE will be low. Second is Shift mode, In this mode data is shifted in and out of the scan cells. Third one is Capture mode, In this mode test response is captured into scan cells.
Scan design (continued) SCANIN = 111 Expected Output = 000 CLK D Q0 1 Shift Shift Shift Capture Shift Shift Shift D Q SCANIN SI CLK SE D SI SE 1 Q1 Combinational Logic D Q SCANOUT Figure shown on left is a sequential circuit. All the scan cells are connected to form a scan chain. The figure shown on right is timing diagram for CLK, SE and Outputs of scan cells. Initially circuit operates in normal Mode. If we want to test the circuit for an input vector, the circuit needs to operate in test mode. This is done by asserting SE signal. Input vector is applied thorough scan shift in three clock cycles. The response of the circuit is available at data input of scan cells. To capture the response in scan chian, circuit is operated in normal mode by making SE signal low. Now SE is enabled to shift out the response of circuit from scan chain. Q0 SE CLK D SI Q1 1 Q2 D Q Q2 SE SCANOUT CLK
At Speed Scan Testing Identifies transition delay fault by applying two vectors V1 and V2 V1 is used to initialize internal logic values of the circuit under test V2 is used to launch transitions into the combinational circuit Propagated output is captured in the scan chain by the system clock after launching V2 Three ways to perform at speed scan testing Launch on Shift Launch on Capture Enhanced Scan Design In this slide I will discuss at speed testing. At speed testing is done to identify transition delay fault in a circuit. This is done by applying two vectors. First vector initializes the internal nodes of circuit and second vector launches the transition. The response of the circuit is captured in the scan chain by the system clock. At speed testing is performed in three ways – LOS, LOC, Enhanced Scan Design. In next couple of slides I will briefly describe these Three ways.
Launch on Shift (LOS) V2 is restricted to a one-bit shift of V1 V2 Launch Edge Capture Edge V1 CLK SE Launch cycle is last scan-in cycle Capture cycle Scan-out cycle Scan-in cycle Scan-in cycle Launch on Shift: Vector V1 is applied to the combinational circuit during scan-in cycles. Now vector2 is launched with system clock. Notice that SE is still high, It means V2 is one-bit shift of V1. After launch cycle SE is made low, since we want to capture the response of circuit in scan chain which is available at the data input pin of scan cells. There are two issues with LOS, V2 is restricted to a one-bit shift of V1. It requires fast SE signal, since SE is made low between launch and capture edge. V2 is restricted to a one-bit shift of V1 Requires fast scan enable signal
Launch on Capture (LOC) V2 Launch Edge Capture Edge V1 CLK SE Launch cycle Capture cycle Scan-out cycle Scan-in cycle Scan-in cycle Launch on Capture: V1 is applied through scan chain. SE is made low before launching the vector V2. This is the main difference between LOS and LOC. In case of LOS, SE was high at launch edge. It means V2 is the response of circuit to V1. Capture and Scan out cycle are same as LOS. LOC has one issue, V2 is the response of circuit to V1. We can not apply all possible combinations of V1 and V2. Infact Xu and others claimed that LOC has lower fault coverage than LOS. Uses two consecutive functional clocks to launch the transition and capture the output test response Vector V2 is the response of the circuit under test to vector V1 Lower fault coverage in comparison to LOS [Xu et. al. ‘07]
Enhanced Scan Design Enhanced-scan cell stores two bits of data per input of the circuit under test Achieved by adding a D latch to a muxed-D scan cell No restriction on vector V2 High fault coverage but with some area overhead SE SI CLK SCAN IN D Q 1 Q In this slide, I will discuss the third approach for at speed scan testing. Enhanced scan design uses a scan cell which can store two bits of data per input of the circuit under test. This is done by adding a DFF to a muxed-D scan cell. The main advantage of this approach is that It has no restriction on V2. V1 and V2 are independent. That is the reason enhanced scan design gives high fault coverage with some area overhead.
Our Contribution Design of a robust PFF Lower area and better timing than previous approaches Modify this PFF for use in a pulse based enhanced scan flip-flop Better timing than DFF based ESFF These are the our contributions. First one is robust PFF which has better timing than previous approaches. Second one is ESFF which uses the modified version of our PFF. Our ESFF has better timing than DFF based ESFF.
Pulsed Flip-flops (PFF) Consists of a pulse generator and a latch The pulse is derived from system clock edge Hence data can arrive even after the clock edge (therefore Tsu may be negative) Latch Data D Q Clk Pulse Pulse Generator Pulse Clk Clk In next couple of slides, I will briefly describe a PFF and its figure of merit. The figure shown on left is block diagram of a PFF. A PFF consist of a pulse generator circuit and a latch. The latch is transparent when pulse is high. If we see the timing diagram, the pulse is derived from the clock edge. As a result, data can also arrive after the clock edge and so a PFF can have negative setup time. This enables the PFF circuits to operate at high speed. In next slide we will see how negative setup time improves the performance. Data
Figure of Merit for a Flip-flop D Q CLK Combinational circuit Time Period T ≥ Tcq + Tsu + d where d – delay of the combinational circuit Tsu – setup time of the flip-flop Tcq – clock to Q delay of the flip-flop Since d is circuit-dependent, Tcq + Tsu is the figure of merit for a flip-flop The minimum clock period at which circuit can operate depends upon clock to Q delay , delay of the combination circuit and setup time of the FF. Since d is circuit dependent, the figure of merit for a FF is sum of Tcq and setup time. That is the reason negative setup time gives better timing.
Previous Work Fast PFF (Venkatraman et al. 2008) Pulse generation circuit is faster Static power dissipation when CLK is high pulseb pulseb CLK pulse D CLKB CLK pulse Now I will describe previous work on PFF. Fast FF proposed by Venketraman. This work was done by our group. The figure shows the circuits of a pulse generator and a latch. This design makes the rising edge of pulse faster. As we see in the circuit when CLK is Zero , Pulse is zero and internal node is pulled up. As soon as CLK becomes high, Pulse gets high. The issue with this design is there is static power dissipation whenever CLK is high. This is because internal node is not pulled down to zero. Pulse generator Pulsed latch structure
Previous Work (continued) Explicit PFF (Zhao et al. 2002) Uses dynamic pulse generator circuit and a static latch to achieve good setup time Layout area is large and also power consumption is high CLK pulse Q CLKB D Explicit PFF was proposed by Zhao and others. It uses dynamic pulse generator circuit and a static latch to achieve good setup time. But layout area of this design is large and power consumption is also high.
Previous Work (continued) Improved hybrid latch flip-flop (Goel et al. 2006) Modified dynamic master stage of Explicit PFF to reduce power consumption High clock to Q delay CLK D Q Goel and others proposed hybrid latch FF. They modified the dynamic master stage of explicit PFF to reduce the power. This design has high clock to Q delay.
Proposed PFF Pulse generator Latch pulseb CLKB CLK pulseb pulse D Q Now I will describe our proposed robust PFF. The figure shown on left is the circuit of the pulse generator. It uses the CLK and delayed version of inverted clock to generate the pulse. As we see in the timing diagram this is the CLKB signal. CLK and CLKB is applied to a nand gate followed by an inverter. So whenever CLK and CLKB is high pulse is generated. Pulsed latch is used to capture data input. CLK Latch CLKB pulse
PESFF (continued) V1 V2 SEB SE SEB SCAN SEB PULSE SCANB V2 Launch Edge Capture Edge V1 V1 V2 CLK PULSE SE SCAN
Experimental Setup Implemented our PFF and PESFF in BPTM 100nm Compared PFF with existing designs Fast Robust Pulsed Flop (Venkatraman et al. 2008) Explicit Flip-Flop (Zhao et al. 2002) Improved hybrid pulsed Flip-Flop (Goel et al. 2006) Traditional D Flip-Flop Compared PESFF with traditional DFF based ESFF Performed Monte Carlo simulations for all designs listed above Varied supply voltage, channel length, threshold voltage 3σ = 10% of the nominal value 200 Monte Carlo simulations To evaluate the performance of our PFF and enhanced scan FF, we used BPTM 100nm model cards for the simulations. We compared the performance of our PFF with previous work. We have also performed monte carlo simulations to evaluate the performance of our design against process variations. For monte carlo simulations V,L,Vt were varied. The 3sigma value of these parameters were taken as 10% of its nominal value. 200 monte carlo simulations were run.
Experimental Results - PFF Flip-flops Tcq (ps) Tsu Tcq + Tsu Power (µW) Area (∑ WiLi) (um2) µ σ Proposed Pulsed FF 134.6 13.8 -78.7 9.2 54.2 8.6 5.8 0.430 Fast PULSED FF 163.7 23.7 -68.6 10.1 79.1 20.7 6.7 0.510 HYBRID LATCH 117 14.7 -34.4 1.9 82.6 11.8 8.4 0.410 EXPLICIT PULSED FF 120.4 29.3 -54.2 4.5 65.8 7.3 14.6 0.390 Traditional D-FF 69.9 1.5 21.4 2.5 91.2 8.7 7.6 0.240 This table compares the performance of our PFF with existing designs. The second and third column reports mean and sigma values of Tcq. The highlighted column reports mean and sigma values of setup time. The highlighted column reports the figure of merit of a FF which is sum of Tcq and setuptime.
Experimental Results - PESFF Pulse generator has been shared among 10 latches to reduce area and power overhead Enhanced Scan Flip-flop Tcq (ps) Tsu Tcq + Tsu Power (µW) Area (∑ WiLi) (um2) µ σ PESFF 157.7 16.3 -82.6 6.5 75.1 13.4 10.1 0.880 ESFF using traditional DFF 43.1 5.2 43.7 3.6 86.6 5.8 7.5 0.540
Conclusion The performance of our PFF design is better than existing PFF designs 18% better Tcq + Tsu than explicit PFF 14% lower power dissipation than Fast PFF 60% lower standard deviation of Tcq + Tsu compared to Fast PFF 16% lower area in compared to Fast PFF No earlier PFF based enhanced scan design 14% better Tcq + Tsu than traditional DFF based ESFF 105% area overhead compared to traditional DFF based ESFF Selective replacement gives considerable coverage improvement with small area overhead Now I will conclude my talk.
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