Electra ISD Section 504
What is 504 It is part of regular education that allows students to receive accommodations that will help level the playing field in order to learn. It is NOT Special Ed.
Who can qualify for 504? Any student who has or is regarded as having a disability that substantially limits a major life activity such as: caring for oneself, caring for oneself, walking, walking, seeing, seeing, hearing, hearing, speaking speaking breathing, breathing, learning, and learning, and working. working.
How does the 504 process work? 1.Staff or parents identify the child as potentially having a disability that substantially limits a major life activity & contact the school counselor. 2.The counselor makes arrangements for a meeting to evaluate the needs of the child and all academic records. 3.The committee convenes to review the data, determine if the child is substantially limited, and if any accommodations are warranted. 4.Accommodations determined appropriate by the 504 committee are then distributed to current teacher(s) of the student. 5.Accommodations are implemented through out the school year. 6.Re-evaluations are conducted annually.
Who is on the 504 Committee? The committee is made up of persons knowledgeable about the child, the evaluation process and options available for the child. The people who typically make up that committee are: Parent(s) (or designee) Parent(s) (or designee) Administrator (or designee) Administrator (or designee) Student’s Teacher Student’s Teacher Counselor Counselor
What are some things that can substantially limit a major life activity? Our most common 504 placement is dyslexia. Other potential limitations can include: Physical disorders (such as a child with a broken arm that needs to have a scribe for written assignments), Physical disorders (such as a child with a broken arm that needs to have a scribe for written assignments), psychological disorders, and psychological disorders, and mental disorders. mental disorders.
As a teacher, what do I need to contribute in the 504 meeting? Fill out and return the Student Competency Profile and Teacher Inventory if needed Ensure any paperwork sent home with the student is returned to the counselor in a timely manner. Provide documentation of student’s academic progress (grades, assignments) Participate in the 504 meeting by providing verbal reports of any issues the child is facing at school.