21 st Century Workforce Initiative Quarterly Meeting March 29, 2007 Brenda C. Njiwaji, Director Bureau of Workforce Programs Michigan Department of Labor & Economic Growth
Agenda I.Introduction and Context Brenda C. Njiwaji II.Great Lakes Trade Adjustment Larry Molnar Assistance Center (GLTAAC) III.Michigan Manufacturing Bruce Knapp Technology Center Michael Vincent IV. South Central Michigan Works! Michael Polzin Business Solutions Professional Donna Winthrop V.DLEG Bureau of Labor Market Information & Strategic Initiatives Rick Waclawek VI. Rapid Response Lloyd Conway VII. Closing Remarks Brenda C. Njiwaji
DLEG Labor Market Information Technical Assistance What’s New !! Annual Planning Reports – by MWAs Currently on the LMI website Key Demand Occupations Forecast thru 2012 – by Economic Forecast Regions Available next week on website LMI website -- No Worker Left Behind – Accelerated Training Website --
DLEG Labor Market Information Technical Assistance Tools / Reports Nearing Completion Regional Industry Analysis Local Employment Dynamics Training – regional and website based Job Vacancy Survey State and Regional Level Regional Long Term Industry and Occupational Forecast –
DLEG Labor Market Information Technical Assistance Opened To Special Projects Example -- Location Quotient and Shift Share Analysis Special Reports Should Not Be Just a Request For Data but Also an Outline of the Question or Issue To Be Addressed
DLEG Labor Market Information Technical Assistance Available LMI Resources LMI Analysts – Contact Information in Convener Tool Kit for Regional Contact Helpful Websites michigan.gov/lmi – Labor Market Information michigan.gov/census -- Census bls.gov – Bureau of Labor Statistics Bea.gov – Bureau of Economic Analysis
Region 1 (SEMCA, City of Detroit, Macomb/St. Clair, Oakland County) -14,119 reported jobs lost for the 6-month period -Ford, Chrysler, GM & suppliers accounted for 10,000+ of the total jobs lost Region 4 (Washtenaw County) * 2,380 jobs lost, Pfizer accounted for 2,160 Regions 5 (Ottawa, Muskegon, ACSET) * Total of 1,329 jobs lost in the area Regions 9 (CAMW, Thumb, Sag/Mid/Bay, Career Alliance, Livingston) * 1,308 jobs lost (auto parts suppliers: 975 jobs lost) Region 11 (Northeast MI ) * 15 events/751 jobs lost Region 10 (SCMW!) * 6 events/765 jobs lost/615 in manufacturing Other regions show less activity Layoff Activity by Region for the period 9/01/2006 – 02/28/2006
Proposed time line ( process started in January 2007) –currently - 3/31/2007: Start of actual data entry. (All of 2007 events entered) Ability to run test reports. DIT will work on development of monthly report and query systems. –4/2/2007: Reports and query system functional. Migration of data from DataFlex database into new database. Rapid Response Database Development Update
Rapid Response Regional Data Collection –When database is ready, RR staff will provide data collection sheets to record regional activities (Visits to company, services provided, etc.) –Data sheets will be transmitted electronically to the RR section for input into the state database Rapid Response Database Development Update
Responding to WARN notices and other notices of plant closing /mass layoffs and coordination of RR meetings Establishing labor/management committees (Joint Adjustment Committees) at the facilities where a closure or reduction in force will affect a substantial number of employees. (3 JACs currently) State/regional coordination of worker orientation meetings for employee transition services Procurement of additional state and/or federal funding or other grants (SAG, NEG, etc.) Liaison for multi-regional events (e.g. GM/Delphi and Ford closures and downsizing) Rapid Response Technical Assistance
Contractor Contact Information University of Michigan, Great Lakes Trade Adjustment Assistance Center Lawrence Molnar, Director University of Michigan Business and Industrial Assistance Division EDA University Center for Economic Diversification 506 E Liberty, 3 rd Floor Ann Arbor, MI (P) (734) Michigan Manufacturing Technology Center Michael Coast, President Bruce Knapp, VP Operations Michael Vincent, Regional Sales Director Michigan Manufacturing Technology Center Halyard Plymouth, MI (P) (888) , ext 1111 (F) (734)
Business Enhancement Services Training South Central Michigan Works Christine Quinn, President Jim Lautenschlager, Business Solutions Officer South Central Michigan Works! 310 W Bacon Street Hillsdale, MI (P) (517) (F) (517) Labor Market Information Rick Waclawek, Director 3032 W Grand Blvd Detroit, MI (P)
Rapid Response Lloyd Conway, Workforce Consultant Victor Building 201 N, Washington Square 5 th Floor Lansing, MI (P) st Century Workforce Initiative contact: Rick Niedieck, Workforce Development Specialist Victor Building 201 N, Washington Square 5 th Floor Lansing, MI (P)
REMINDER The due date for your regional Strategic Plan has been changed to May 30, Please submit your plan to