Team Time
Regional Science Leadership Spring 2014
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Outcomes Participants will observe and analyze instruction aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards. Participants will use the six strategies for change to help develop a plan to assist their district in transitioning to the Next Generation Science Standards. Participants will learn a protocol to assess the change readiness in their district and the support that may be needed during this transition to the NGSS.
Agenda What equitable NGSS implementation might looks like Moving From Adoption to Full Implementation Assessing Readiness for Change State Transition Plans and Mastery Connect NGSS App District strategizing time
Framing the Day
Where have we been? Where are you along the path? Bread Crumbs Fall: Appendix A “Shifts” CBAM Unpacking a PE (placemat) Developing a Question Protocol Winter: CBAM revisit NGSS PE Analysis (progressions and implications) “Talk Moves” discourse support
CBAM-Stages of Concern
Building Your Instruction SEP’s Equity MATH ELA DCI’s CCC’s
What instructional implications do you need to consider when designing a unit around these performance expecations? Students will need to use their model to predict and describe. Have they had enough experience with doing this? Do I need to scaffold this?
NGSS Appendix D: Economically Disadvantaged
Video Case Study
Lesson Design How does the design of a lesson prepare students to demonstrate their understanding of the standard?
Magnetic Quotes Move to the statement that you are most attracted to.
Making the Leap: Six Strategies 1.Form a group of six 2.Number off 3.Read the beginning and your section 4.Share out with your group
Events and Regional Announcements WSTA Biology EOC Collection of Evidence – April 30, Ike HS UW – Genes, The Environment And Me – June Heritage University Project Bioteach Summer Camp for HS Students – July 7-11, Shoreline Community College Other?
Assessing Change Readiness What were some, not so positive, behaviors exhibited by staff? What early supports staff may have needed in order to be more responsive to the change? Behaviors Early Support
Are you ready?
Postcards from/for the Future Fill out your postcard
Outcomes Participants will observe and analyze instruction aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards. Participants will use the six strategies for change to help develop a plan to assist their district in transitioning to the Next Generation Science Standards. Participants will learn a protocol to assess the change readiness in their district and the support that may be needed during this transition to the NGSS.
Science Leadership Network (Yakima) Fall:October 10, 2014 Winter:January 23, 2015 Spring: April 24, 2015 Link to survey results
ESD Evaluation Survey Please help us to help you. 1.Go to the survey 2.Enter your name(s) 3.Subject= Science 4.Common Theme= Science Standards 5.Date= 4/18/ Title of Workshop= select “ OTHER ” a.Then enter= “ Science Leadership ” 7.Number of days attended= 1, 2 or 3 8.Professional development hours= days attended x 5 (there were 3 days) 9.Then complete survey questions as appropriate.
Action Planning Action Planning Template
Regional Science Leadership Spring 2014
Team Time