Jeopardy Jeopardy Music Questions 2
Music Terms Music Symbols Animal Songs Music Spellings 10 pts 50pts 40pts 20pts 30pts 20pts 30pts 30pts
Music Terms 10 points The Italian word for Loud.
Daily Double
Music Terms 20 points This is the Italian word for smooth and connected.
Music Terms 30 points This Italian word means very fast.
Music Terms 40 points What that means the TUNE of a song.
Music Terms 50 points A part of a song that joins with the melody. (it starts with an H)
Music Spelling 10 points Spell
Music Spelling 20 points Spell
Music Spelling 30 points Spell
Music Spelling 40 points Spell
Music Spelling 50 points Spell
Animal Songs 10 points In the Farmer in the Dell the Nurse chose this.
Animal Songs 20 points A ballad (a story song) about a cat that never died.
Animal Songs 30 points The name of the Farmer’s dog.
Animal Songs 50 points Name five of the animals portrayed in the Carnival of the Animals.
Animal Songs 40 points Finish this lyric “I bought me a cat and the cat pleased me, I feed my cat under yonder tree ….”
Music Symbols 10 points Whole, Half, Quarter, Eight
Music Symbols 20 points A special ending to a song
Music Symbols 30 points A beat of silence.
Music Symbols 40 points This is what separates music on a staff to make it easier to read and follow.
Music Symbols 50 points Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti make up this in music.
Music Symbols 50 points (answer) What is a scale?
Music Terms 10 points (answer) What is Forte?
Music Terms 20 points (answer) What is legato?
Music Terms 30 points (answer) What is presto/vivace?
Music Terms 40 points (answer) What is melody?
Music Terms 50 points (answer) What is harmony?
Music Spelling 10 points (answer) What is P-I-A-N-O?
Music Spelling 20 points (answer) What is F-L-U-T-E?
Music Spelling 30 points (answer) What is M-E-L-O-D-Y?
Music Spelling 40 points (answer) What is R-H-Y-T-H-M?
Music Spelling 50 points (answer) What is X-Y-L-O-P-H-O-N-E?
Animal Songs 10 points (answer) What is the dog?
Animal Songs 20 points (answer) What is The Cat Came Back?
Animal Songs 30 points (answer) What is B-I-N-G-O?
Animal Songs 40 points (answer) What is Cat Goes Fiddle Dee Fee?
Animal Songs 50 points (answer) What is are: Aquarium (fish), Swan, Lion, Donkeys, Tortoise, Elephant, Kangaroo, Cuckoo, Aviary (birds), Hens (chickens)
Music Symbols 10 points (answer) What are notes/rests?
Music Symbols 20 points (answer) What is a coda?
Music Symbols 30 points (answer) What is a rest?
Music Symbols 40 points (answer) What are measures?