Starter/Practice: Next slide 12/17/ /17/2014 Application: Notes Connection: After taking notes on the formation of the universe, how do you think the universe was created? What is it’s future?? Exit : Students will write a 5 sentence summary of their notes Formation of the Universe ObjectAgeSizeDistance
December 17, 2014 AGENDA Objective 8.8E Research how scientific data are used as evidence to develop scientific theories to describe the origin of the universe reading and writing while completing notes and a starter activity. 1. Starter/Practice 2. Notes 3. Exit
Date Lecture/ Activity/ Lab Page 11/14 Quiz and Writing /17 CBA Review /19 Solar System /20 Solar System Web /21 Solar System Writing and Quiz /20-12/1 Solar System Web /2 Planetary Soda Pop Lab /3 Conditions for Life /4 Space Mission Notes /5 Solar System II with Writing /8 Space Exploration / Space Mission Poster /15 Early Astronomers /16 Light Years /17 Formation of the Universe Table of Contents
Starter/Practice: You have been provided with images of eight different in space. Try arranging the pictures in order by: 1. Actual size- smallest to largest 2. Distance from Earth- closest to farthest 3. Age- youngest to oldest Jupiter SunSun International Space Station Hubble Telescope Andromeda Galaxy Hubble Galaxies Monoceros Nebula
Space object cards Working with your partner, place the cards in size order from smallest to largest. 1 = smallest 8= largest Monoceros Nebula Jupiter International Space Station Hubble Galaxi es Hubble Telescope Andromed a Galaxy SunSun
Name of ObjectActual SizeReal Ranking Hubble Space Telescope 12 meters1 International Space Station 90 meters2 Moon 3200 km diameter3 Jupiter 140,000 km diameter 4 Sun 1.4 million km diameter 5 Andromeda Galaxy 960 million km across 6 Monocerus Nebula 160 trillion km7 Hubble Galaxies 1600 trillion km8 How Big Are Objects In Space?
Space object cards Working with your partner, place the cards in age order from youngest to the oldest. 1 = youngest 8= oldest Monoceros Nebula Jupiter International Space Station Hubble Galaxi es Hubble Telescope Andromed a Galaxy SunSun
Name of ObjectActual AgeReal Ranking International Space Station 7 years1 Hubble Space Telescope 11 years2 Monoceros Nebula 250 million yrs3 Moon4.5 billion years4 Jupiter4.6 billion years5 Sun5 billion years6 Hubble Galaxies billion years7 Andromeda Galaxy 13.7 billion years8 How Old Are Objects In Space?
Space object cards Working with your partner, place the cards in distance order from closest to furthest away from Earth. 1 = closest 8= furthest Monoceros Nebula Jupiter International Space Station Hubble Galaxi es Hubble Telescope Andromed a Galaxy SunSun
How Far Away Are Objects In Space? Name of Object Actual Distance (Km) Real Ranking Hubble Space Telescope International Space Station Moon 380,0003 Jupiter 150 million4 Sun 620 million5 Monocerus Nebula 1000 trillion6 Andromeda Galaxy 19 trillion trillion7 Hubble Galaxies 300 trillion trillion8
Formation of the Universe
Cosmology is the study of the origin, structure, and future of the universe. A light year the distance light travels in a year. Nebula a cloud of interstellar gas and dust. Terms to Know
Big Bang Theory Theory states all galaxies originated from one huge mass of densely packed matter. Under extreme pressure, temperature, and density, the mass exploded violently with a “big bang”.
1)Big Bang! 2)Matter separates into galaxies 3)Nebulas are formed 4)Nebulas shrink to make spinning disk 5)Gravity is pulled to center 6)Nuclear fusion begins 7)Sun born and planets form Steps in Big Bang
Steady State Theory Universe always existed as it is now and is still is expanding. Stars in this universe will eventually die off. Future for this universe is nothing will be left. –Takes billions of years for this to happen.
–Expansions of the universe will eventually halt. –Gravity will pull galaxies toward the center of the universe and out again. –Beginning with a big bang and ending with a big crunch. – Occurs once every 80 to 100 billion years. Oscillating model
Red vs. Blue Shifts Red shift-galaxies show a shift toward the red end of the EM spectrum which means they are moving away from Earth. Blue shift-a shift toward the blue end of the spectrum which shows that a star is moving toward Earth.
Connection After taking notes on the formation of the universe, how do you think the universe was created? What is it’s future??
Explain what is happening with the balls in terms of kinetic and potential energy.
Starter/Practice: Next slide 12/17/ /17/2014 Application: Notes Connection: After taking notes on the formation of the universe, how do you think the universe was created? What is it’s future?? Exit : Formation of the Universe ObjectAgeSizeDistance Explain what is happening with the balls in terms of kinetic and potential energy.