C HURRO, MANGO, MEDIOMANGO, MANGOTERO It was child's play, a little beast. The below what went wrong, but did not complain, of course. He had to endure as long as possible without falling.
L A R AYUELA He had to go sliding a piece of stone for drawing ground, pushing his foot, hopping on one leg.
R ING A ROUND THE R OSY ( C ORRO DE LA PATATA ) He sang a little song and the chorus all crouched "... achipé, achipé, I was sit-me"
E NGLISH HIDEOUT. ( ESCONDITE INGLÉS) A child is counting blindfolded and back to rest and says "one, two, three, English hideaway, without moving your hands and feet." The rest moves towards the wall, but stop when the counts turns around. Lose that moves at the time and win the first touching the wall.
B LIND HEN ( GALLINITA CIEGA) A blindfolded child turns on itself and the rest sings: "blind hen, what has been lost?" The first boy says, "a needle and a thimble." The other says, "it takes many turns and you will find." The first child has to catch one of the others.
“LAS CHAPAS” The “chapas” were put in. footballers and entertainers. Children collided with each other trying to put a “chapa” on the opponent's goal.
S KIP TO ELASTIC ( SALTAR A LA GOMA ) It began with the elastic flush with ankles and jumping girl if not mistaken, it was ascending to the neck, for what was to raise long legs and collect the gum with them, making watermarks. The elastic, black color, was bought by the meter in haberdashery
M ARBLES. It was a game rather kids and you played in the street, following a circuit or hitting other marbles. If you won, you wore all the. You were trying to be nicer than your friends marbles. They came in bright colors, metal filigree, etc..
TOP (PEONZA) Usually made of wood, was throwing the dance floor and then picking it up by hand, without stop spinning.
P LAYING WHEELS. (JUGAR A LAS RUEDAS) That's only played in the peoples, because in cities, to see where he got one wheel. Careers are made or hung from a tree with a rope as a swing.
J UMPING ROPE ( SALTAR A LA COMBA ) The most universal and timeless game that exists. Children sing songs while jumping to the beat of the music.
T HE SKEWER OR KNEEL. ( E L PINCHO O HINQUE ) With a sharp piece of metal or wood, were playing in moist soil nail earth and consisted of the enemy to gain ground.
WHEELED VEHICLES ( VEHÍCULOS DE RUEDAS ) Skates Tricycle Pushchair Scooter Bicycle
RUBBER BALLS ( PELOTAS DE GOMA ) With these classic rubber balls were playing throw against a wall, pass it to each other, to throw it away and pass under the leg, to see who could most, etc..