Welcome! A-team Session 1 Fall 2007
Overview for Today Introductions What is assessment? Challenges & Concerns Map of A-Team Sessions & Outcomes Expectations
Overview for Today Why assessment is important to Student Affairs A-Team Model Mission Statements, Learning and Development Objectives Take Home Assignments
Assessment Definitions Activity
Working Definitions for A-team Assessment: Is any effort to gather, analyze, and interpret evidence which describes institutional, departmental, divisional, or agency effectiveness (Upcraft & Schuh, 1996) Evaluation: Any effort to use assessment evidence to improve institutional, departmental, divisional or unit effectiveness. (UGA Planning Model Specific)
Assessment “Assessment is an ongoing process aimed at understanding and improving student learning. It involves making our expectations explicit and public; setting appropriate criteria and high standards for learning quality; systematically gathering, analyzing, and interpreting evidence to determine how well performance matches those expectations and standards; and using the resulting information to document, explain, and improve performance” ~Tom Angelo, AAHE Assessment Forum
Challenges and Concerns Activity
Challenges & Concerns Time Notion that assessment requires too much time Implement, develop, plan, analyze, produce results Already busy with lots of job responsibilities “Time to develop an assessment, collate the data, analyze, and act.”
Challenges & Concerns Just Getting Started: -Where to begin? What do you do? -General Confusion “For those who realize the importance of assessment, the challenge is where to begin/what to assess first.” “I think people don’t know where to begin. Sometimes we have to start small in assessment.”
Challenges & Concerns Participation: Low student participation Getting staff buy-in and involvement Participatory support from some supervisors “It is usually the same group of students responding so the results are skewed to that population.”
Challenges & Concerns Data Saturation: -Too much data -Lack of ability to implement changes “Sometimes it feels like information is going to be collected only to sit in some report on a shelf.”
Challenges & Concerns Perceived Fears: -Undesired changes -Reveal negative things -That the process and results are elusive, complex process “I think the primary challenge is getting people past the notion that assessment is some incredibly complicated process that no one could possibly have adequate time to do.”
Rethinking Assessment Assessment is really about learning and improvement. (Love & Estranek, 2004)
Session II Overview of Outcome Design Creating Outcomes Service, Learning, & Development Session III Critiquing Outcomes 3 M’s Intro: Assessment Steps Session I Outcomes & Overview What is Assessment Assessment Language Comp Model & Foundation SALDOs Session IV Assessment Steps (cont) Intro: Assessment Plans Session V Review of Assessment Plans Session VI Assessment Plan Presentation Session Evaluation Foundation Session Outcomes Demonstrate an understanding of “A” language & literature Define and plan an assessment project for your department Increase Technical Skills— Perseus, Report Writing, Qual/Quan Perform 1 + assessment projects Assessment Resource for department and team
Why is assessment important??
Importance of Assessment in Student Affairs Almost 90% of those surveyed felt assessment was important to Student Affairs at UGA. Efficacy, cost-effectiveness, resource allocation, demonstrating credibility, outcome and goal achievement, and future direction were mentioned as reasons for its importance. “How do we know that what we do is effective if we don’t assess it?”
Expectations for A-team Don’t take this too seriously -Have fun Take the initiative Learn from one another Support one another Attendance is crucial!
Expectations for Facilitators Support you during sessions and outside of sessions One-on-One option To learn with you Manage content and time Be flexible Respect your time
Step One: Alignment The Three Strategic Goals for the University of Georgia Division of Student Affairs Mission Statement Division of Student Affairs Strategic Plan Professional Standards and Guidelines
Step Two: Select Paradigm/Thread Alignment
Step Three: Establish Objectives Establish Objectives/Goals
Step Four: Establish Outcomes and Structure Around Outcomes Establish Objectives Intentionally structure programs and services to address goals/outcomes
Step Five: Assess Intentionally structure programs and services to address outcomes Assess: Determine if you have achieved outcomes
Step Six: Assess Assess: Determine if you have achieved outcomes Evaluate: Use assessment information to examine programs and services and create improvement plan
Step Six: Close the Loop The Three Strategic Goals for the University of Georgia Division of Student Affairs Mission Statement Division of Student Affairs Strategic Plan Professional Standards and Guidelines Evaluate: Use assessment information to examine programs and services and create improvement plan
Student Affairs Learning and Development Objectives
Objectives Leadership Intercultural Competence Cognitive Development Interpersonal Skills Self-Esteem Collaboration Healthy Behavior Social Responsibility
How Does It All Fit?? Mission of Division Mission of Department Learning and Development Objectives
One-Minute Message
Take Home Assignments Read Student Affairs Learning and Development Objectives Meet With Supervisor