Future Career Created by : Dominik Veselý
How to get a dream job… You need to get a specific education those are the general known education levels… Basic school Secondary school (High school) University
Way of IT… You can choose a secondary school like this Than you should study University like CVUT, MUNI or another technical school to get degree. Most important part is getting knowledge by yourself there is no school in the world that can get those certain knowledge.
It Proffesions Programmer Designer Project Manager Analytic Administrator
Programmer Excelent Math knowledge Creating structures of projects and creating analysis Good psychic Web/Desktop development
Designer Needs to be creative Knowledge of vector and bitmap graphic Good imagination Adapt to latest trends
Project manager Not such a It work Communicative and creative person Leadership and motivation skills Also Communicate with client
Administrator System administrator Care about users and their pc and whole network Perfect knowledge of Hardware and security issues
Interview Applicant point of view Present yourself (try to sell your best) Sell your experience and knowledge Be confident and try to seem prospective for the company. Present your communication and fact that you are nice person Even personality stuff is important Prepare that you might be asked for some personal question though it is not relevant with the job.
Interview Boss point of view Check if the person you are talking to is good applicant If his experiences and skills are good enough If necessary requirements are met
What can help Certificates Experiences Profession Activities Non Profession activities Seeming trustworthy and responsible All that stuff could be in your C.V / resume
Another professions Fireman – perfect physical and psychical condition. Needs to be brave :) Surgeon – Medical School, Lots of knowledge and experience. Secretary – Basic pc work, Nice person, Communicative and some organizational skills. Pros and cons ?