Zonta International Foundation Kay Moss District 7 Conference September, 2015
5 Things You Should Know About Zonta: The Zonta International Foundation has raised almost US$31 million since More than 2 million women’s lives have been impacted through Zonta projects in 57 countries in cooperation with UN agencies and other NGOs. US$10 million has been invested in women’s education through 1,438 Amelia Earhart Fellowships, 357 Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarships and 721 Young Women in Public Affairs Awards. More than 66,500 donations have been made to the Foundation since The Biennium Fundraising Goal is US $5.3 million to fund the Zonta International service and educational programs. ALL Zontians should give yourself a round of applause!
Last year at the District Seminar, we heard about the International Goals for this Biennium. I have a quick recap of those ZI Foundation Goals and the Contributions to date: Biennium to Date Actual as % of Goal Amelia Earhart Fund $ 700,000 $ 244,642 35% Jane M/ Klausman Women in Business Fund $ 232,000 $ 84,896 37% Young Women in Public Affairs Fund $ 144,000 $ 88,796 62% International Service Fund $ 2,044,000 $ 832,894 41% ZISVAW Fund $ 1,986,000 $ 628,173 32% Rose Fund $ 200,000 $ 733, % TOTAL $ 5,306,000 $ 2,612,768 49%
District’s total giving is $51, for both individuals and Clubs, combined. If we separate the total individual giving and divide it by current District Membership (419), we would have a value of $33.69 per member – doesn’t sound very encouraging does it? The real dollars that have been donated by individuals alone in the district are $14, divided by only 141 members, so far this biennium. Our personal contribution rate is an average of $ per contributing member. That sounds like the giving and caring members of District 7!
Our Governor and the International Foundation team would like us to increase the number of members who make personal contributions to the Foundation. We would be striving for the goal of contributions by each Club and each member. At the end the biennium, District Governor Polly would award and recognize Clubs that have made both Club contributions and a contribution by each member.