Sedgefield Elementary School Leadership Meeting Agenda Review School Improvement Plan Review MAP Winter Results (Pie Graph) Quarterly Updates BENCHMARK MID-YEAR ASSESSMENTS: DIBELS, TRC, BAS, AMC NAEP Next Meeting Dates in Media Center MARCH 19 th, 2015 PTA at 5:30 pm March Dadness at 6:00 pm
Responsibilities of SLT Facilitate the involvement of the school community in the development of the school improvement plan. SLT members encourages, supports and creates opportunities for involvement from parents in the community, Contributes to the design of the school improvement plan and monitors the effectiveness of the school improvement plan strategies.
Vision Statement District: CMS provides all students the best education available anywhere, preparing every child to lead a rich and productive life. School: Through a collaborative effort with vibrant partnerships, highly effective teachers, and family and community support, Sedgefield Elementary will excel. All students will become successful enthusiastic learners while embracing a rigorous curriculum, 21 st century standards, and high academic achievement.
Mission Statement District: The mission of CMS is to maximize academic achievement by every student in every school. School: We at Sedgefield Elementary School along with our community are committed to nurturing the mind, body and spirit of all students. We plan to provide a safe orderly environment in which we will develop and maintain academic excellence for the 21 st century.
Review School Improvement Plan 3 year School Improvement Plan (SIP) Review and discuss Questions
School Improvement Plan Goals Goal 1 -Duty free lunch Goal 2 -Instructional Planning time Goal 3 - Positive School Climate Goal 4 -Increase growth in Reading Goal 5 -Increase growth in Math Goal 6 -Positive School Culture Goal 7 -Academic Goal: Increase student achievement in math by 3.18% percentage PK-5 Goal 8- Academic Goal: 80% of students in each class (K-5) will show mastery of each science essential standard
Academic Goals for School Year Students in grades 3-5 will increase their Reading proficiency scores from 38.29% to 40.0% on the EOG tests. Students in grades 3-5 will increase their Math proficiency scores from 58.82% to 62.0% on the EOG tests. K-2 district focus is MAP data
QUARTERLY UPDATES Benchmarks Math Reading Science Long Range Planning Review, discuss, and analyze results Plan of action EVAAS Projections Plan of action Report Cards February 3 rd Student Recognition Assembly K-2 at 12:45 pm 3-5 at 1:45 pm