Casey Sloan
Mammals Fish Reptiles Birds Amphibian I’m the king
The Rhino’s Horn The name rhinoceros means "nose horn“. This mammal is a large, fast moving animal with thick skin and one or two nose horns. Their skin is gray. Rhinos are from 3 1/2 feet to 6 ½ feet tall at the shoulder. They weigh from 2,400 to 5,000 pounds. They love to eat!
The Rhino’s Appearance
A Diagram of the White Rhinoceros
A Rhinoceros’ Habitat
A Rhino’s Diet includes eating grain. They are a omnivore. That means they eat both meat and grain. They eat about 1 to 2 percent of their body weight per day, or 45 to 95 pounds. The Javan and Sumatran rhino eat tree leaves. A Rhino’s Diet
Rhino mothers very protective of their babies and always keep them close by. The mother teaches The baby how to survive in the wild. An adult rhinoceros lives about 35 to 40 year.
A Rhinoceros’ Social Behavior Bulls like to be alone more than females. When two male rhinos meet, they test each other’s strength by horn wrestling and charging into each other’s shoulders. They establish which bull is strongest. That bull will be dominant or want to be in charge. As long as the weaker bull doesn’t care, this meeting may not lead to a fight
Interesting Facts about Rhinos Poachers kill rhinos so they can sell the horns. The nose horns are made from a hairlike stuff that grows throughout the rhino’s life. If the horn breaks, it will grow back. The horns can grow about 1 to 3 inches each year. The largest rhino horn was over 5 feet long. Now that’s a big horn!
I hope you learned a lot from my story. I hope you like rhinos and will look for them whenever you go to the zoo.